Therapies for psychological disorder

Listening is a very sensitive part of communication & is usually different from hearing. By being a good empathetic listener it not only helps in solving a lot of problems at home or works but it also helps you see the problems of others. It opens your understanding & enhancing the ability for compassion, besides which you find out a lot from the act of listening. It takes sincere efforts & a lot of practices when disagreements arise. Being a good empathetic listener helps a person with behavioural problems feel relieved, for the a good listener always portray away from the enticement to perform this by taking into account the problems from the speaker’s perspective & aggressively attempting to the see the point  that has been laid forward.

By summarizing and restating what the speaker is saying helps in reassuring him that you are really listening to what he is saying, also by repeating of some of the things which the speaker says helps in encouraging him. By avoiding giving direct advice but let him or her talk his or her situation out & find his or her own decision helps her in blaming on himself cause if your advice go wrong he/she will blame you for that. When the listeners ask meaningful questions & empowering by not seeking probe or make the other person defensive makes the speaker reach his/her own conclusions about the issues being raised.

By putting yourself on the speakers shoes helps him opening up it encourages him.  Also by using body gestures & facial expression makes the speaker feel that you have interest, because you can always overwhelm the speaker when you keep staring at him/her. By speaking approximately the same energy level as the speaker, this will him/her know that the message is getting through & that there is no need to repeat what he/she has just say.

The article clearly give an understanding of how effective communication skills ought to be put forward since a person has to listen and understand what is being said by the other so as to respond to the issue at hand. This case, what the student embraces is the idea of being a good listener.













Work cited

Vivian L Effective communication skill and the behaviours in therapy : a global focus in hospital  communication. Long horn publishers 2002. 2:22-23


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