The UK health service

The NHS Direct is the leader in the national health market, mainly the UK that has demonstrated the very first step in a process that provides a reconfiguration to the delivery of health care services and health care information. The NHS Direct mission focused on providing a 24/7 gateway to the available healthcare information either through the customer service hotline and the website.

The projected targets are both through the national telephone and online services that allows for the NHS Direct business model of local and national distribution of healthcare services to be implemented in a strategic measure is crucial to the successful achievement of the timetable. The proposed timetable did presented a challenging aspect for the overall organization, mainly because of the set up plan to use the methodology of dual responsibility of site managers to both NHS Direct’s central project team and the local Trusts’ management team.

In doing so, it has demonstrated a problem identified as a slowed down the implementation of the project strategic planning to provide stellar customer services and provide healthcare services that is profitable to the organization. Therefore, review of the problem identified centers on the theoretical concept method to motivate, educate, and train personnel to achieve the set out goals of the strategic plan through the hotline telephone services

The invested stakeholders additionally provided a needed focus to the development of the NHS Direct new and improve services of telephone hotline and website platform that reach millions of individuals seeking advice and services through a proactive concept. The senior management team outlined a strategic plan that will allow the several departments to utilize the dual responsibility during the development of NHS Direct strategic goal planning. The problems identified with the dual responsibility concept hones on the uncommitted effort from internal departments unwilling to fully work as a whole unit to render desired results.

Therefore, the emphasis is on the importance sharing information and providing consultations with a wide variety of participants from department heads, nurses, supervisors, administration, call center representatives, website content manager and facilitator, as well as the stakeholders for NHS. The consultative structure in place with an Advisory Group up in July 2000 really need to be adjusted to support NHS Direct operations and the procurement of a ? 70 million national computerized support system (AXA system) that manages concerns of the operations.

The Human Resource Management Strategy (HRM) plays a pivotal role for NHS Direct to successfully targeting recruitment of nurses that provides the excellent service desired. The outlined services demonstrated by NHS Direct provides the opportunity to encourage the workforce nurses who currently and who had left the NHS to focus on the primary objective of the goals that empowers the overall organization to being motivated in working together by sharing responsibilities of everyone roles. Analysis of Theoretical Concepts

The theoretical concept of NHS Direct in England seem to provide a national service working from a small head office in London and a nine region structure for the Strategic Health Authority boundaries. The NHS service delivery is a directive of virtual means through a concise of 36 call centers for the company to continue the evolved effort to be a national organization providing excellent access to health services. According to NHS Direct and Annual Report and Accounts 2007/2008 the company’s Annual Report 2007-08 outlines the following standards initiatives:

? 93% of calls were answered within 60 seconds, and less than 2% were abandoned after more than 30 seconds of waiting; ? 98% of the most urgent calls received a nurse3 assessment within 20 minutes, and 98% of callers with less urgent needs received the advise they needed within one hour; ? Of the callers with non-urgent needs, 99% received a call-back within four hours; ? NHS Direct website had 1. 7 million unique visits in March 2007 rising to nearly 3. 5 million in March 2008.

The protocol for theoretical concept hones on the significant growth in number of visits to website if the attributed preference of the to a popularity of Health Encyclopedia and Common Health Questions sections are successful in drawing in potential patients. The newly created Health Zone focuses on the content from across the website and strategically groups the information into popular topic areas, for instance, travel health, medicines, and pregnancy as well as other medical focuses.

In analysis, the concept implemented by NHS Direct organization to undertake an exploration – to the appropriateness and timeliness of rollout initiatives with a motivational factor in place. In doing so, the NHS total attendance in the facilities can increase to a range of 16% to 30% due to the commitment of the exceptional telephone hotline service and the website accessibility. The key is to focus on the speed of delivering information and the adequate professional staff such as nurses, physicians, and administration staff to back up the professionalism demonstrated through the hotline phone service and website.

The motivated efforts of the senior management team will need to be aware of the importance of the process for booking appointments with a GP or other health provider and answering medical questions by a customer satisfaction focus. According to NHS Direct and Annual Report and Accounts 2007/2008 about 93% is stated that the NHS Direct can assist potential patient by maximizing the time spent on calls. The 6% of survey callers indicated that NHS Direct was a waste of time that clearly illustrated the need for reform in order to improve current problems of departments working together.

In the annual report it stated that callers who followed the advice given by NHS Direct a 95% ratio indicated they were actually satisfied. The annual report was founded by the Parker Institute that undertook a survey of users of NHS core telephone services back in April 2008 in which were consistent with the IFF Research findings that showed the following: ? 98% were happy with the time it took to answer the phone ? over 90% were satisfied with the quality of services they received from the health advisor, or from the nurse if referred; ? 91% felt that NHS Direct definitely understood their needs

? 89% said that the main reason for their call was dealt with satisfactorily, and 94% would definitely use us again; ? 95% rated the advice and/or information we provided as excellent; very good or good. The initial strategic planning was to enhance employees’ motivation and productivity of the staff in which the NHS Direct can be launched its first comprehensive Staff Survey in 2007 of August. These findings of the implemented survey revealed several outcomes that presented areas of concern by the problem identified of high staff turnover within the NHS Direct.

These findings resulted from the dual responsibility of allowing the department heads to work individualize to reach desired results – that in hind sight created a less motivated team due to stress. The partially focused team presented a lack of opportunities for career progression in the organization because of planned pilot project to introduce a new level of nurse advisor, on home tele-consultation and on rotation between NHS direct and the local NHS Trusts.

The future focuses within the organization for the next five years is to enhance a knowledge base within the organization and to a build strong interdependent staff that is commitment to the company significant investments needed in the areas of Education, Training and Development programmers. These areas plays into the problem identification analysis at regional levels as well as senior national role for operational staff to provide enhance customer care and management development at NHS operation.

Therefore, the Human Resources play crucial role in the NHS Direct objectives for future improvement that concentrates on expanding services by a management team focused on qualities quoted in the article regarding Primary Care in 2003, according to NHS Direct and Annual Report and Accounts 2007/2008. Respectively, the NHS Direct Strategic Goals for the period 2008-2013 outlines the implementation of the motivation factor to infuse the NHS envisions to deliver customer satisfaction to consumers.

By this approach, the motivated employee will be able to sell additional merchandising with a more concentrated effort to reinforce the core message of NHS. Understanding the core reasoning of utilizing the motivation focus that the NHS Corporation incorporate is a successful prospect to organizational behavior due to the continue results of record numbers of consumers – that travels to all the NHS amusement parks year after year.

The employee staff is the key to present a welcoming atmosphere when interacting with consumers and provide a sense of the reality being recreated at the amusement parks (Bowen, 2006). In order to achieve this environment the employees must have been exposed to working organizational behavior concept that promotes motivation. The employees will need to constantly address potential patients in a respectful and creative way to emphasis the benefits obtaining services from NHS Direct to expose employees positive and motivated attitude, in that, it will promote the awareness of the job satisfaction.

This proposed theoretical concept provides the formation of the motivation plan at NHS to continue on strengthening the team building and effective communication procedures that are workable within each sub-team groups in a particular work area. The overwhelming benefit is the initiate for a commitment message from the senior management team that showcases a support system. The support system at NHS Corporation by the senior management provides a needed aspect to connect with the employees. The connection by the senior management team is crucial to establishing the strong relationships with managers to the NHS Direct employees.

This will solidify the required commitment established by NHS Corporation core values and vision – that relates to the brand identity main message of a “family affair” within the context of the medical organization. The support system by the NHS Direct senior management team is very important to instill the nature of habit within the organization for addressing the problem identification. The mission of the senior management team is to effectively communicate the ways to motivate employees to supervisors.

Therefore, the requirement for NHS Direct success in staying the national leader in healthcare services will be a combined effort from many different levels from executives to the floor management team – that deliver the same message amongst the departments. The approach is a successful attempt rather than an unsuccessful attempt to create a positive working environment. The employees will be able to transform their attitudes and perceptions to promote a certain behavior that reflects a motivated personality translated to interaction with consumers through the hotline telephone service and website platform.

The motivation factor at NHS Corporation must demonstrate the most inspiring and dedicated program to uplift their employees within the organization that will translate into the outcomes being delivered to consumers. The motivation program will need to infuse customer service satisfaction within all levels within the organization so that the message is communicated and demonstrated externally. The desired results are a well organization behavioral conception that has worked due to a long running of a successful enterprise.

Therefore, the group behavior aspect at NHS Corporation should highlight itself of every employee being on the same page to establishing a winning attitude and informed trained staff that translates the core vision at NHS. The combined effort from everyone in the organization reinforces the effectiveness of the decision making and the motivation program that instills the NHS Direct desired group behavior. The mission to focus on maintaining and sustaining the mindset for a controlled contingency has its advantages by assuring that the protocol to follow the core vision is being implemented.

The purpose for the NHS senior management team is to manage the areas of controlled environments by demonstrating effective ways to reinforce the preferred behavior of the organization (Kelly, 1998). Moreover, the group behavior of all employees is to present a well informed and motivated showcase through the approach to focus on providing great customer service. The group behavior concept within the organization at NHS should consistently being supported by funds to specialize in reinforcing the commitment to the corporation for delivering the core message.

The imperative reasons that NHS illustrates is the right way to deliver the concept of exceptional organizational behavior through the commitment of NHS to understanding the external affects of such focus is crucial to solidifying a very strong medical organization. With the focus on the tailored made organizational behavioral concept of motivation, decision making, and group behavior of NHS that sets the tone noted future improvements in services.

The business model is to not only concentrate on the basis of profitability but on the consensus that its brand has expanded all areas of marketability to the general population of potential patients. The commitment that NHS outlines to enforce organizational behavior practices providing a strong winning concept that effective decision making, motivation, and group thinking is an aspect for beneficial attributes on all levels managed through dual responsibility method (Williams, 2002). The creativity that stems from this commitment is surpassing in the expansion of the NHS brand to current and future generations.

In part mainly, to the well organizational behavior focus for a great effort amongst NHS’s employees to deliver the best in service. Critical Evaluation of Main Theories and Viewpoints The pursuit for success in the ability to demonstrate effective operational management is the critical evaluation of main theories and viewpoints by commissioning a solid project team. The regulated effort by NHS Direct senior management personnel can achieve the intention to manage the operational of the company’s organization that benefits all departmental entities.

Conversely, the key decisions in operations management streams from the senior management team that work with internal project member teams to reach the objective of senior management is to illustrate a defining connectivity with internal systems, marketing initiatives, and strategic management approaches that delivers successful results. The objective is a fundamental a process that deems necessary in expanding the operations management for effective decision making. The telephone hotline and website approach outlines the in-depth approach to streamline creative means in delivering a new way to doing business.

The telephone hotline customer service and website platform provides the bridge from business entities to the end user of the customer that taps into all means of conducting transactions. The key decisions in play presents an objective that enlists specific staff departmental team members that work on the same directive to infuse successful attributes of the core mission of NHS Directive. The concept for NHS Direct senior management team of an organization is to better the operational management that cuts costs and implement strategic measures accordingly through-out the medical facility operations.

The out-of-hour program has much strength that ranges from a better positioning of the company’s workforce to manage effectively. Moreover, the forecasting of needs within the organization is crucial to determining how much of a keep level of staff production in line. The forecasting of decisions are imperative to establishing the projections necessary to determining which measures are approximate in operations management, especially the out-of-hour program beneficial aspects.

The forecasting objective presents a management team focused on the outlook of domestic and international opportunities that better equipped the strategic management objectives. The forecasting decisions are imperative counterpart that reinforces forward-thinking NHS Direct operation management by preparing for future occurrences to prevent any negative business outcome. The capacity decisions are an empowering approach that furthers the forecasting decision making in the regard to lead effective in a progressive manner for NHS Direct initiative.

The capacity decision making the services programs objectives better suited for streamlining the resources to implement accordingly. The overlaying of supporting from departmental supervisors and senior management team provides the needed matrix of the streamlining operations productions with a capacity to make appropriate decisions. Therefore, the initiative for the NHS Direct operations management is to instill the creative synergy for infusing needed aspects to successfully reaching the range of higher returns calls and visitors to the website platform.

The key decisions of NHS Direct operation management basically must constantly present an encouragement to the senior management team to utilize the available knowledge that implements new directives in structuring production. The benefits are substantial to solidify the operations core business strategies that strengthen the overall mainframe to facilitate a wining strategy. Furthermore, in doing so, the NHS Direct organization can reach it said goals to position new opportunities that deem necessary for securing market segmentation.

The pursuit for a planning and controlling corporation is to sustain the national healthcare leader in the market offers the opportunity to demonstrate the managing of information in the internal area plays a pivotal role to such desired results. The identified scope of the review of planning and controlling management of information systems development projects will presented to reveal the main aspects to reaching goals in controlling dropped calls and displeasure from callers through the telephone hotline.

The objectives of the analysis outlined focused literature presents main components that are necessary to formulate information systems to empower NHS Direct senior management team. The methods utilize for a planned methodology that is presented to showcase the mission of the stakeholders within the context operation management outlines the assets and resources. The systematic approach is featured to underlie the primary objective of the usage, purpose, and matrix controlling of managing information within the operational-corporate structure.

The identified key areas are outlined to emphasis the planning and controlling management for an imperative role to reaching the value of mission for change management. The analysis from an information enterprise new perspective relates to the importance of the NHS information management within theoretical models for understanding the outcomes. The critical evaluation provides the validity of concise effort to formulate if the conclusion the position is warranted to clarify managing information.

In addition, the review of the objective for NHS corporations to effectively implement planning and controlling mechanism to a theoretical base for high level assessment to an application of a particular aspect of information management issues. The planning and controlling system and performance matrix at The NHS Corporation utilized the fundamentals of learning aspects through technology that incorporates excellence. The mission is to formulate the information technology to synergize with relationships in an effective planning either aggregate planning or maximum controlling aspects.

The organization establishes a business process to implement planning strategic management in order to meet the NHS stakeholder’s expectations. The measures are centered on the needed efforts of managing critical adaptation healthcare management system to effectively implement the needed changes. In the approach, the senior leader and employees are accountable to meet internal department’s initial goals that encourage the overall goals of the planning and controlling to cover the healthcare management resource planning. The need for a more direct focused quality assessment is warranted to use proper information management protocol.

In doing so, the identified data are revealed to address effectively and efficiently to the management team. The most imperative element to assess in the analysis to implement a new strategic objective of operations management is the role of desired organizational behavior that empowers the senior leadership to effectively diagnose situations related to the specific project for appropriate processing (Samson, 2008). The HRM enterprise resources planning concept provides the underlying organizational aspect to successfully assist in the managing of information both domestic markets as well as international markets such as U.

K. The senior team in accessing the particulars in the planning and controlling objective reinforces the objective and standards of NHS Direct within a functional organizational matrix. The understanding of fundamentals in planning assisting in the mastering scheduling concepts that supports the NHS Directs operational organization that organizational behavior from a senior management’s perspective presents the in-depth conceptual, technical, decision making necessary to require sufficient production on an effective information platform.

In the approach, the fundamental of achieving the company’s planning objectives. The planning and controlling the organization is to sustain the leader in market, the managing of information in the internal area plays a pivotal role to such desired results. The identified scope of the review of planning and controlling HRM management of information systems development projects will presented to reveal the main aspects to reaching goals.

The objectives of the analysis outlined focused literature presents main components that are necessary to formulate information systems to empower management. The methods utilize for a planned approach is presented to showcase the mission of the stakeholders within the context NHS Direct operation management. The systematic approach is featured to present the primary objective of the usage, purpose, and matrix controlling of managing information within the operational-corporate structure.

The identified key areas are outlined to emphasis the planning and controlling measure for an imperative role to reaching the value of mission for change management. The analysis from an information enterprise new perspective relates to the importance of the information management within theoretical models for understanding the outcomes. The critical evaluation provides the realism of concise effort to formulate if the conclusion the position is warranted to clarify managing information.

The review of the objective for corporations to effectively implement planning and controlling mechanism to a theoretical base for high level assessment to an application of a particular aspect of HRM information management issues. The planning and controlling system and performance matrix with NHS Direct utilizes the fundamentals of learning aspects through technology that incorporates excellence. The senior leader and employees are accountable to meet internal department’s initial goals that encourage the overall goals of the planning and controlling to the department.

The direct focused quality assessment is warranted to use proper HRM information management protocol, in doing so, the effectively element to assess in the analysis to implement a new strategic objective such as SERVQVAL Framework of operations management is the role of organizational behavior that empowers the senior leadership to effectively diagnose situations related to the specific project for appropriate processing (Samson, 2008). The HRM resources planning concept provides the underlying NHS organizational aspect to successfully assist in the managing of information both domestic markets as well as international markets.

The senior management team in accessing the particulars in the planning and controlling objective reinforces the objective of standards within a functional organizational matrix. The understanding of fundamentals in planning assisting in the mastering scheduling concepts that supports the company’s operational organization that organizational behavior from a senior management’s perspective presents the in-depth conceptual, technical, decision making necessary to require sufficient production on an effective information platform. In the approach, the fundamental of achieving the company’s planning objectives.

Discussion of Alternative Scenarios, Solution, and Relevance to Real Issues in Management/Leadership The NHS Direct analysis of demographic segmentation for a business that is the pursuit for an increase of the share of the consumer in the market, high customer equity, and brand equity – that provides continued strategic growth for operations. The strategic analysis to accomplish the needed tasks is primarily led by NHS Direct senior management to selecting the demographic markets and building profitable relationships with them that is the foundation of marketing management (Samson, 2008).

Moreover, the formula for the strategic marketing management agenda is the philosophy for creative designs for a customer-driven marketing strategy to empower the operations management agenda. The senior management mission is to find an exceptional position to finding, attracting, keeping, and grow the target customers by creating, delivering, and communicating superior customer value. In analysis of not only SERVQUAL supports the planned structures of operational management but how the impact is substantial to reaching set goals and initiatives.

The organization company strengths are adapting to changing trends and potential to reinvent a previous concept due to flexibility in management. The weakness associated is in the manageability of capitol to complete current projects while attempting to secure future ones that could render negative losses if not successful. The generic strengths encourage the brand identity that offers instantly opportunities relating to returned clients for the ability to invest in multiple developments (Shermerhorn, 2008).

The strategic management mission identification to balancing the right investment in the telephone hotline technology, innovation, and website platform services to the specific targeted market. The national healthcare sector aspect is the sustaining the business relationships with vendors that support the strategic management approach to such ventures. The economic landscape plays a pivotal point of reference to outlined financial standing of the organizational perspectives for implementing strategy. In addition, the economic platform encourages a positive influence in the international market when positives changes occur in the economy.

The technology changes are imperative for the strategic management success due to the availability that provides management to specific needs and desires of NHS Direct. In doing so, the organizational company will present a winning strategy to sustaining and developing the targeted demographic. Conclusions and Recommendations The recommended processes of the NHS organizational structure for the centralization of an operations quality management is to create an opportunity for a smooth transition amongst the department leadership.

The processes and systems correlate the plan for an outline within the overall project management team for a simplified way to streamline the information, in order to implement change in context of healthcare quality. The processes should outline the management team roles and responsibilities that are to successfully capture the criteria for initiating, execution, and closing out the new processes to centralize the customer service department.

The processes and systems enforce the needed change management plan mission for an organizational structure will hone around the leadership assigned to the project that reinforces core initiatives. The communication model for the change management plan is too focused. The knowledge management objective within the confinements of the communication model is to embed imperative information in systems and processes – to apply in a cohesive effort to forging alliances with business units and offer incentives to motivate employees.

In doing so, the success of changes addressing the problem identification concerns can be minimizing signs of negative reaction against change. Therefore, the knowledge management concept through change management strategy that will encompasses within the organizational structure for a more attainable high customer service focused by the NHS Direct operations.

References Shermerhorn, John, (2008). Organizational Behavior. Wiley, 10 Edition Samson, Danny (2008). Operations Management. Retrieved November 8, 2008 from http://www. cambridge. org/us/catalogue/catalogue. asp? isbn=9780521700771&ss=toc

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