The topic Visual Impairments

This paper discusses the topic Visual Impairments. The critical analysis of this topic has been presented. The analysis of each and every part has been discussed in detail. Title The research article that has been provided discusses the various aspects and methods through which visual impairment can be dealt with. Various methodologies have been given and their effectiveness has also been discussed. Hence the title Visual Impairment fits the content of the research article. Goals are considered to be a very essential element of an individual’s life. Sometimes these goals are marred due to various reasons.

It is however very important to repair them. The title hinted a method to do so and it definitely piqued my interest. Abstract The manuscript contains a brief and relevant abstract. The abstract provides ample information about the article. It defines how vision rehabilitation centers deal with the life goals of people both young and adult. The abstract gives a short introduction of which types of goals were addressed and it also mentions the one that were ignored. The document starts with the introduction of the services offered by the visual rehabilitation centers.

The two services that have been mentioned in the first sentence are clinical low vision services and mobility training. The article says that both the strategies have been beneficial in the treatment of visual impairment cases. Hence the first sentence of the article clearly defines the purpose of the research. The test population has been described in detail. The test population comprised of 47 adults, age ranging from 27-64. Out of this figure 55% were women and the rest were racially categorized. 59%, 28%, 9% were whites, African American, Hispanic respectively and the remaining 4% belonged to other ethnical groups.

Experiments were conducted to address the different goals and eventually three kinds of goals came into view. The highest rated goals were related to health and physical fitness, followed by career and education related goals. It was concluded that the goals that were most efficiently addressed were the ones related to accomplishing daily tasks. Introduction The introduction section provides a very valid reason as to why this particular research has been conducted. The problem of low vision and visual impairment has been increasing at a very fast rate worldwide and therefore there is an urgent need to address this issue.

The reason this research has been conducted is to deal with this problem and introduce efficient strategies. Vision impairment has been prevailing in children and adults since a very long time. It needs to be addressed so that the people are motivated and they are able to accomplish their goals and lead their lives in accordance to it. If the problem of vision impairment is not given a serious thought then there are chances that the individual may suffer from emotional stress and frustration. Vision impairment might occur in both children and adults alike.

It is found that these people link their problems to relation related goals and functional goals however it is found that it is much more feasible to address the functional goals than the prior. This research differs from the ones published before in a way that previous studies indicate the effectiveness of the rehabilitation strategies as to how they should address the different life goals of the people, whereas the question as to whether and how this problem should be solved remains unanswered. This specific research answers both the questions simultaneously.

Literature Search The literature shows that an extensive and thorough research has been carried out. Different tables view the rate at which the research has been effective in solving this issue, the ineffectiveness of the strategies and the goals that had not been addressed have also been quoted. Appropriate references have been cited in a proper manner and in accordance with the APA style however some of the references that have been mentioned are not up to date. Some of them are older than the last five years.

References other then the field of blindness and visual impairments have also been explored by the authors. For instance, books related to human personality and psychology have been consulted in order to understand the subject more deeply and in order to conduct a thorough research. Terminology No new terminologies or acronyms were used throughout the article. This made it even easier to comprehend the entire purpose and aim of the article. Complicated and complex medical terms were not used due to which the research was not at all confusing and foreign to readers.

This shows that even people who are not related to medical and other related fields are eligible to understand this article without facing any difficulty or consulting the dictionary. Research Methodology and Material The material is organized in a proper manner and focus is laid on the main topic throughout the research. The topic is Visual Impairment and the methods through which they are addressed. It is also discussed whether they are given adequate importance. The subject is carried out in a proper way.

The introduction along with the problem and the methodology, number of volunteers, various strategies etc is thoroughly discussed in this paper. The article is presented in an impressive way that it is understandable and comprehensive. The argument that has been put up is highly informative. This is an original piece of research. It is evident from the facts and figures that the research is not a review of the previous research nor is a simple informative note. All the figures are clearly elaborated and explained. The graphs and tables used in the research show that this is a direct research.

The methodology explained by the authors is thorough. Individuals were selected which comprised of both adults and young. Women were also included in the research and people belonging to different races were also given importance. After that a questionnaire was prepared and the individuals were subjected to answer it. Both open ended and close ended questions were included in the questionnaire. The explanation of the study was easy to comprehend. The entire research was conducted in a very simple manner introducing the basic concepts in the beginning and then moving on to further analysis on the topic.

This gives a view of how a research should be conducted. It provides a good guidance. The authors have clearly defined the method of data collection. The test sample was required to answer very basic and simple questions and later on they were subjected to questions that were directly linked to the problem. The test population that is stated in the article is appropriate. There are a total of 47 people on whom the entire research was conducted. One drawback to the test sample was that it included everyone, men, and women of different races. Children however were not included in the research.

The control population is slightly larger than it should have been and therefore it is a little difficult to comprehend. It would have been easier lest the quantity should have been less. The methods are clearly described and are referenced in a proper manner. The referencing of any article is very essential since it can be used for further researches if a research of similar nature is conducted. Hence this article provides ample references which can be easily used for further research. This is the quality of a proper and educational research and this article fulfills this requirement.

The materials and strategies are clearly defined and described however footnotes are not present in this article. But this does not pose any difficulties since all the terms are elaborately defined and stated. Subjects/ Participants Researches are normally based on the experiences and information collected from the subjects or participants. These subjects can belong to different classes, age groups, race etc. Similarly this article is based on the information gathered from a number of participants. The subject represented specific groups.

The people included in eth entire research were men and women ranging from ages 27-64. 55% were reported to be women while the rest 46 people comprised of people belonging to different races. To mention they were 59% white, 28% African American, 9% Hispanic and the rest of the 4% was occupied by individuals who belonged to other ethnical groups. To have a comprehensive view of the entire research, the authors have also presented a statistical view based on the knowledge and information collected from the participants. Sampling or Data Collection

The researchers have adequately sampled enough subjects. The number of people on whom the research has been conducted is appropriate and it is enough to gather precise and necessary information. The authors have explained in detail the method of data collection. According to the authors, two themes or codes were selected to carry out the research in a programmed manner. One coding system was developed to study the various life goals and another code was established for the open ended questions about the method the various goals of life were addressed by different rehabilitation centers.

To carry out both the coding systems, two coders were set to evaluate the answers of the first 20 participants. This was done in order to generate common codes. After this process was carried out, the responses of the next 10 participants was used to establish interrater agreement for the two coding systems mentioned before. This was the technique used by the researchers. Statistical Analysis The statistics used in the research was appropriate and clear. It provided a comprehensive study of the entire findings.

Discussion, Results or Findings The results of the entire research have been discussed and it will be very helpful in carrying out further researchers of similar nature since they summarize the report in an efficient manner. Tables Tables were used by the researches and they contained all the information that was present in the paper. The data was provided in a precise manner. It included the number of participants, their age groups, performance, responses, effectiveness as well as the drawbacks of the research.

The tables were labeled appropriately which made it easier to understand them. Graphs Graphs are have not been presented in the paper however tables are provided which provide ample information on the topic. Conclusions or Summary The authors have provided a brief conclusion of the research. According to the researchers, three kinds of goals were observed in the participants. One of them was related to relationships. This included goals for their children as well as the family. The other two were related to career and work goals.

The rehabilitation centers were able to address the latter two goals however it was a little difficult to address the primary goal. According to them, various instruments and strategies should be used to address the life goals of the clients, and it should be made obvious to the participants or clients that their issue and goals are being handled effectively. Appendices Appendices were not used in the paper.


References were taken from appropriate sources. Some of the references were up to date while a few were out dated. The references were cited appropriately according to the APA style.

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