Every day we read in newspapers that more people are getting a disease. But no a simple disease. Nowadays AIDS is one of the most lethal illness that every year kills thousands of people. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, commonly referred to as AIDS, is a fatal disease as it attacks and destroy the immune system of the body. As per the reports of Indian Health Organization (IHO), women and children are found to be more prone to the disease.
The highest numbers of AIDS cases are found in Mumbai in India which is known as die AIDS capital of the country and is closely followed by Chennai, Nagpur, Aurangabad and Kol hapur. Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland and Delhi too have a number of HIV cases being reported in die recent years. Since this disease is spread by sexual contact, the infection percentage is high. Therefore, people should be noticed how AIDS is spread, what are the treatment, and how this disease affects our society.
AIDS was first recognized as a lethal disease in 1981 when five men were presenting pneumonia and skin cancer. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) called it “the 4H disease”, since the syndrome seemed to affect Haitians, homosexuals, hemophiliacs, and heroin users. Then it was finally called AIDS. The CDC (1983) reports that the initial AIDS infection might show general symptoms like fever, body ache or headache and then lie normal for years together without showing any other signs. Next, a person may develop enlarged glands in the neck without pain or other symptom.
Other symptoms can be fatigue, weight-loss, chronic diarrhea, cough and night sweats. The last stage of die disease takes at least ten years to culminate into a fully blown AIDS. By this time, die patient’s immune system is totally destroyed and the person gets infected by various diseases and cancers. This stage is easily recognized and a man survives for about three or four years after entering this stage. AIDS is a fast spreading disease in the world which if—not controlled—can take an epidemic proportion. The infection mainly spreads through sexual or blood contact.
AIDS spreads mainly through sexual relationship whether heterosexual or homosexual with an infected partner, transfusion of AIDS infected blood and blood products, use of infected syringes or needles and is passed on by an infected mother to her unborn child. While there is some medicines that help to carry the disease, there currently no cure or effective ADIS vaccine. Treatment consists of high active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) which slows progression of the disease and as of 2010 more than 6, 6 million people were taking them in low and middle income countries.
Treatment also includes preventive and active treatment of opportunistic infections. Some precautionary measures include: the use of condoms, sexual abstinence, circumcision and monogamy because It is very important for patients to care about others health. In addition to this illness, has had negative effects on the society and economics. AIDS stigma exists around the world in a variety of ways, including social rejection, discrimination and avoidance of AIDS infected people.
Also affects the economics of both individuals and countries because they will not only be unable to work, but will also require significant medical care. Indeed, AIDS is a serious disease that has caused human death in many countries. This illness has spread globally in a short period of time. However, AIDS does not have to be highly contagious. Protective measures, such as the use of condom, can decrease the chance of spreading the disease. The world community must work together to prevent AIDS from doing further damage.