The profession of pharmacy

The new trend in the pharmaceutical profession is that it is now becoming more and more patient oriented i. e. it has gone far beyond just manufacturing drugs and leaving every other thing to the hand of the doctors; pharmacist can now see the patient, relate to some extent with the patient and possibly give some advice to the patient. I now realize how important it is to offer individualized treatment and care to each patient but, of course, the doctors are still there to manage the patient but now pharmacist are now involved in the management team of each patient.

In the future I see myself, as a pharmacist mainly counseling patients on the appropriate use and possible contraindications and interactions associated with their medication regimen, by then I should have built my own patient-oriented private pharmaceutical company which will not only be concerned with the production of drugs but also, the interpersonal communication with the patient, relating to the importance of proper drug compliance to avoid many side effect of the drugs that are commonly seen.

Finally, I have spent many years as a fulltime technician and I know how this can affect lives positively or negatively, so, in the future I will like to share all my experience with the students teaching them how they can make their profession meaningful to the community at large. I will also tell them the importance of relating to their community the adverse effect of drugs and the benefit of following the doctor’s prescription, the danger of self medication and many other health related issues that affect the community.

A career in the health care industry has always been very attractive to me because of my inherent desire to help sick people. One of the best spectacles that a compassionate person could behold is watching ailing persons make their …

Over the years, I have wanted to become a pharmacist. Since it’s within the medical field, and it’s still helping people, while at the same time not directly in contact with the sick. To become a pharmacist, several years of …

Pharmacy is an intriguing, and mutable field in our society today. A particularly attractive feature of this career is the wide variety of opportunities that one is afforded. The versatility in having a Doctor of Pharmacy is quite rewarding and …

What have I learned concerning pharmacy practice that I did not know prior to taking this course? This was a serious question to ask myself when beginning to write this paper since I have been working in the pharmacy profession …

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