The patients & Health Nursing

Substantial numbers of the patients have either shown good excellent or some response to the therapy with definite side effects. 64 percent of the 100 patients have tolerated the drug throughout the one-year period with side effects. 70 percent of the sample have responded to the drug and side effects have been recorded in 50 percent of the cases who responded to the drug.. Thus, 71. 43 percent of patients who have responded to Clozapine have also shown side effects to the drug.

The fact that there is moderate response and excellent response in a total of 55 percent of the sample at the end of 12 months and poor response in 15 percent of the sample making up a total of 70 percent as discussed previously with reference to PANSS takes us to the same conclusions. There is no correlation between the time periods among responders with reference to GAF values either and the response to the drug in different periods is thus, independent.

The PS, NS and GP values are also independent variables with no correlation with the time period of 90 days and one year and hence, not significant. A Statistical test of Hypothesis to test the significance of only 64 percent of the sample population of 100 being available at the end of one year of the study during clozapine treatment between the population proportions gives a ‘Z’ value of 6. 66 which is greater than 3.

Thus, we conclude that there is significant difference between the population proportion and the availability of only 64 percent of the sample at the end of the one year period is a significant factor in the study. A Correlation Analysis to see if there is any correlation between the side effects encountered by the responders at the end of one year and 90 days takes us to the conclusion that there is no correlation between the two periods with the ‘r’ value being 0. 88 and ‘t’ value 1. 02.

This value being less than the table value, takes us to the conclusion that the side effects of clozapine at different time periods among responders are independent and there is no evidence of the same side effect being postulated at specific time periods. This gives a clear conclusion that 1. clozapine is effective in the treatment of Schizophrenia but only with definite side effects. 2. The side effects are not significant and can be treated. 3. The side effects and dose tolerance varies and depends on individual case history. 4. Thus, a mean dose of the drug has to be decided based on the individual case history.

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