The Oncologist

Many would say that cancer is a very complex disease, but others would argue that it is far more than that. By others, I mean the doctors who actually deal with many patients day after day. By doctors, I mean the oncologists. An oncologist is the physician who studies cancerous tumors. They diagnose and treat cancerous cells as well. They are the doctors that make cancer patients look forward to another day. Oncology is a profession with unlimited opportunities for both men and women. As an oncologist, you experience respect, demand for your services, and the chance to change someone’s life.

One exciting and important part of being an oncologist is quick thinking. Quick thinking allows oncologists to make the most of their occupation and also a difference in people’s lives. Candidates wanting to become an oncologist must go through many stages in order to become certified. There are many stages because the lives of many patients are put in the hands of oncologist. The candidates have to be severely tested to be left with such a big responsibility on their own. The person desiring to become an oncologist must first graduate from an approved medical school and then, complete an accredited residency program.

After their accredited residency program, they must graduate education in a specialty of their choice. The Oncology Channel websites says that after completion of graduate education in a specialty, physicians may apply for certification. The website also states that the applicants must pass the certifying examination administered by the medical specialty board. The job of an oncologist is very difficult, but important to today’s society as each oncologist hopes that his or her ongoing research and work with cancer patients will eventually lead to a cure and prevention of all cancers.

Being an oncologist involves the changing and challenging issues of cancer research, diagnosis and treatment. The type of oncology studied by the physician reflects the duties of the oncologist. Oncologists are compassionate and empathic people. It is recommended that they have great people skills that will enable them to work well in teams and be able to communicate effectively with their patients. With all these great qualities, the success of an oncologist is ensured. (Steen 109. ) The economic outlook for the wider field of medicine, which includes oncologists, is good.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects employment in this field will grow 14% from 2006-2016. BLS also projects that employment is expected to grow more quickly in specialty fields and in rural and low-income areas. Students searching for the employment information and requirements for becoming an oncologist found the education-portal website. The website states that the employment of oncologists is growing in hospitals, medical offices, ambulatory care centers and medical clinics, hoping to provide and supervise care for chronically and critically ill cancer patients.

Experience, specializations, and academic qualifications all benefit the salary of an oncologist. According to “Oncologist salary”, the amount of money a physician makes also depends on the number of patients he or she has visiting their office. Experience is a very important factor of being an oncologist. The more experience, the more earnings. That phrase can be used with just about any profession. Payscale. com states that the salary of an oncologist may vary from $100,000 to $230,000 per year. Oncologist salary” says that a good physician with more than four years of experience may earn from $134,279 to $260,356 and one with ten years of experience can gain up to $300,000 per year. As you can see, oncologists are paid quite a lump sum. The oncologist salary varies after every year. (“Oncologist salary”) Based on my intensive research during this project, I have learned many new things about becoming an oncologist. Throughout my research, I’ve learned that an oncologist is not just a physician; they’re also your friend. Oncologists are compassionate people who have to have a lot of empathy.

It takes a lot of strength and courage to be an oncologist. There are a lot of things that I didn’t know before my research. For instance, I always thought that there was only one type of oncologist, but there are many different types. There are pediatric oncologists, who care for the youth who are diagnosed with the disease, and then there are radiation oncologists, who specialize in treating the cancer with radiation therapies and methods. The research I have done throughout this project has opened my eyes to an even more diverse world of oncology.

What I did not know, but know now has made me even more curious about how life would be as an oncologist. I have discovered that throughout this project, I am the type of person who is fascinated with the many diseases in the world. Diseases fascinate me because I, one day, would like to be the physician who actually finds a cure. Cancer, however, is quite different and intensifies my rage to find a cure. Cancer is the disease that continues to end the lives of others, and I am determined to bring it to an end. The research done throughout this project has really changed my attitude toward the future.

It has made me look at the works of an oncology in such a different way. This project has opened my eyes and made me really believe that I want to be an oncologist. It has made me finally make up my mind and want to be a successful oncologist. The result of this research is that I want to be a cure finder and I am determined to be one. I want to be the next physician who creates a method or medicine that will get rid of the disease known as cancer. This project has made my future look even brighter than it did before. I now see myself one day being someone’s comforter and friend.

I am going to one day be the person people will need and depend on. I one day will be the great physician who discovers the cure for cancer. After graduation, I plan on doing more volunteer work in the hospital, the oncology department to be more specific. The summer between my high school senior year and college freshman year I plan to be involved in as much as possible that will keep me up to date on the world of oncology. After my intense volunteer work, I plan to attend one of the top universities that offer oncology as a major. Five years from now, I see myself in medical school.

I see myself still striving to be a lifesaver. I know that within those five years, my primary interest will be cancer. I would be willing to sacrifice anything and take charge of my patients’ overall care through all of their phases of the disease. In five years, I will be more than ready to finally be the oncologist I have dreamed to one day become. I would expect my experience to be quite different if I were in this career. My guess is that there is going to be a lot of scarification. I will have to learn to separate my emotions from my job.

As an oncologist, I will have to learn to not get too attached to my patients. Because of the pain and agony of being an oncologist, I will have to put my heart’s rule over how I treat patients. I will probably have to somehow train myself to set my emotions aside whilst working with them. My expectations are that I will have a challenging job that won’t be so successful each time. I’ll have to try my best, do all I have the ability to do, and trust that God will take care of the rest. I will also extract much delight over the successes I experience, and will squeeze “more mileage” out of the many positive experiences.

My research has revealed that the career profession I have selected is the right choice. Oncology will drive me to the success I am in pursuit of. I am sure that this is the correct selection for me in that, it will allow me to become highly educated, skilled and trained; provide me with the conduit to work with and for people in research and caring for people; and it will ensure that I am economically successful. Oncology is a profession that will continue to flourish and I intend on being and remaining in the midst of this career and field.

Pediatric oncologists are medical professionals who specialize with the diagnosis and treatment of cancers that occur during childhood. These professionals have an advanced education, training and experience that allow them to thoroughly understand how cancers affect children in a different …

An oncologist is a doctor who practices exclusively in the treatment of cancer. “Because cancer can affect any organ in the body, and individuals of any age, there are many different kinds of oncologists” (Ferguson 118). For example, a pediatric …

US Oncology is the nation’s premier oncology services company, increasing patient access to safe, high-quality cancer care. Working closely with physicians, manufacturers, and payers, we develop innovative new approaches to confronting cancer, increasing the effectiveness of care, and ensuring a …

This case study is a about MD Anderson Cancer Center that considered one of the largest center in cancer treatment that include all types of cancer through highly organized interdisciplinary system. This center became a part of University of Texas …

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