The Nursing Profession

It is important to note that the economy is running into a downturn and its effects are also being felt in the nursing profession. There is a situation going on in the nursing profession as one of the major effects of the downturn of the economy. This is unemployment and hence graduate nurses as well as those nurses who were laid-off have not been working for a while. Therefore, many of these non-working nurses have returned to active status so as to boost their family income, or to substitute for their non-working spouses.

The result of this move is the shortage that is being experienced countrywide. Just as in many of the industries mentioned earlier, the cut-backs are likely and this applies to the nursing field (Buerhaus et al). This will usually happen in hospitals or health facilities where the nurse-patient ration is not clearly defined, enforced or set. Consequently, the available nurses will be required to work for mandatory overtime which would be an issue for most of them especially in those facilities which it has never been implemented before. This will cause rumbles and misunderstandings in the field.

In terms of the financial security that the nurses would have will solely depend on the financial stability of the facility in which they are working for or the company so associated. In the mean time the working nurses have a guaranteed job security in general reference. The conditions in which the nurses have been working have always been an issue and the fact that the economy is heading towards a recession means that this would grow to an even bigger problem. Hence, the nurses need to stay put so as to ask for improved conditions and patient care in order to ensure safety.

In addition to the difficulties experienced by the nurses, it has been found that some of the capital offering facilities has restricted them from gaining access to capital. This has resulted to these facilities renegotiating the supplier contracts, including freezing jobs as well as delaying infrastructure projects, in addition to the derailment of any kind of wage increment. In the latter years, it had always been seen that the health sector was immune to the changing economy but in recent times, this has not been so.

A study shows that capital has been restricted to all nursing homes. The issues involved include the state Medicaid reimbursements in addition to equity and the credit instruments. It is important to note that the study was done among nine major profit providers around the beginning of the year 2009. Into the bargain of the questionnaires, the company was sent an addition of survey questions. These were sent targeting the company’s side of story regarding the managerial, financial and clinical experiences that have been related to the financial crisis.

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