The National Association of Anorexia

Self -help groups and support groups are beneficial in providing information and lifelong recovery. For instance, national organizations like Overeaters Anonymous, the American Dietetic Association Consumer Nutrition Hotline, and the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD) are highly recommended resources. (Shives, 2002) If treatment is not registered the anorexia can be deadly. Although the mortality rate is low, does not mean you can’t die from anorexia. About 5 per cent of people diagnosed with anorexia die each year, and there have been cases of 15 per cent a year of peopled that died.

Bulimia nervosa other wise known as binge eating, is described as person who has a large compulsion to eat huge quantities of food over a shot period of time. Within two hours, then go trough a period of self induces vomiting. Some anorexics have been known to binge eat, but bulimic have never tried anorexia. As like anorexia most bulimic is female, this is due to the heavy concern of self-image that society has put on woman to look like the perfect woman.

Disrupting the body’s system created by alternate binge eating and purging can often lead to an irregular heartbeat and extreme cases cause the bulimic to go into cardiac arrest. If bulimia and anorexia is combine collapse and death is inedible.

People with bulimia tend to be more aware, remorseful, and guilty about their behavior than those with anorexia and are more likely to admit their concerns when questioned by a sympathetic physician. They try to be less shy then anorexics and more prone too impulsive behavior and depression. (Anderson, 2002). Bulimia treatment is relatively new, and they’re in no current one as, which is the most effective. More severe have generally been treated by psychiatrists with anti-depressant medication, and less sever cases by psychiatrist with behavior therapy. Each approach has achieved success and, frequent failure.

As with anorexia nervosa consultation with a specialist can be helpful.  The two main goals for bulimia treatment are to interrupt the binge and purge cycle by helping the person gain control of eating habits. The next step is to help change the attitudes toward food, eating, body size, and self. To achieve these goals one is recommended to seek psychotherapy, and aversion therapy. The most commonly used is modes of treatment are individual psychotherapy and self-help groups. (Townsend, 2002)

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