The Mind Speaks Louder than Words

The Mind Speaks Louder than Words

 A husband, for no reason, had left her beautiful wife and then returned to their house but not the same old husband but a smart parrot! Can you imagine that! A man inside the body of a parrot?! Is this true for all parrots? Is there a trapped man in every parrot all over the world? (Butler 1996) This fiction story is more than the unexpressed feeling of the then-husband-now-parrot thing. Unexpressed thoughts are common to humans. Many people utter words that are different from what the heart wants to express. Why is this so? Why do people find it hard to express their true feelings? How come that the mind speaks louder than words? Is it really important to speak out what we are thinking?

Communication is a means of expressing oneself to others. It is a tool to let others know what we think and feel. Communication is not limited to uttered words only. We can also communicate with our actions. However, many people are losing the essence of communications. With the power of the mind, many people can control what they say and keep in their heads the truth behind the words spoken. The parrot said “Pretty bird” when he meant to say “You are beautiful, my wife.”

Where telling the truth is good, is it always correct? If a lady has a terminal cancer, would you tell her the truth that she’ll only have a month to live? Telling the truth to the lady has different effects. The lady could feel very depressed about the news. If the depression leads to a severe level, the lady could die earlier than expected. On the other hand, the lady could have accepted her fate and enjoy the remaining days with her family. Not telling the truth will deprive the lady of knowing her true condition and means being a liar for those who kept the matters to her. What would you choose? What is more important to you?

Telling the truth is also important in court proceedings so that justice may prevail. Sometimes, the defense briefs their witnesses to twitch the truth in order to free the accused. We know that the opposition will do everything to help the accused, but truth must still prevail, no missing part or added part. If the accused is really guilty of the crime, and the witnesses are honest in telling the truth, a “jail” awaits this accused criminal. Not telling the truth will free criminals, degrade the complainant, and deprive justice.

In a family, open communication is very much needed. With this, no secrets are hidden. When words are not correctly or not honestly uttered, trust between the family members aboard is broken. While truthful words make the relation of the family more effective and harmonious.

What hinders people from telling the truth? Fear and incapability are just two among the many factors that make people not tell the truth. Fear that telling the truth will hurt the person and fear that telling the truth will lead to a disagreement. Incapability is the inability to do something. Like the parrot, some people are not capable of saying words to express themselves.

What happens to those who do not tell the truth? The parrot was sad because he cannot tell his wife of what truly happened to him. Same with humans, once we have something we cannot say, we cannot stay put. We are worried. People around may not know about us and what are our secrets. But there is one God who can see all things we are doing and none of our secrets are secrets to Him.

Is it important to tell what we think? For the purposes of not lying, telling what we feel is necessary. Being honest to everyone is important in building a good relationship. Telling the truth also reveal our true selves. So to build up our character, there is a need for the people to see who we really are. Telling the truth is very important because it will set us free. Secrets or uncommunicated thoughts, file up in our brain. After sometime of continued filing of secrets, people like this will feel the burden. This might lead to sadness due to lack of attention.

How about the parrot or those who are incapable of telling the truth?

The parrot still have the chance to express his words but with proper training. Since the parrot was once human, he can subject himself to a rigid training in order to talk more like human and in order for him to express himself clearly.

Same with people, they could have trainings in order to change their speech incapability to capability. There’s a need to communicate the importance of telling the truth and a need to encourage the people to express their thoughts with honesty. People are not parrots who have limitations with regard to speaking.

If the brain can be trained to do excellent skills, it can also be trained to practice everyone in the art of expressing one self. Let’s maximize the capacity of the brain. This time, the brain will be used to train us to tell what we feel.


So is it important to tell or to express what we feel? Is it really important to speak out what we are thinking? Telling the truth will not make us liars. Also, with the truth, the message will be clearly delivered to the person intended to.

Messages can either be positive, negative, or both. Positive messages are nice to hear, while the opposite are most of the time not. Now if the message is not good, would you still break out the news to the officers? The brain stores unexpressed thoughts. This unexpressed thoughts, if not given proper attention, will just file up and will become a burden to the student.

Communication is very important. It should be delivered clearly and with honestly. The brain helps us to achieve our goals. The brain is the one to decide which is best, speak what we think or speak at the same time think differently.

Work Cited

Butler, Robert Olen. Jealous Husband Returns in Form of Parrot. Henry Holt & Co., 1996.

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