The Lady, or the tiger

I like to see every answer I asked for because I want to learn a lot of staff because it would of been very awesome for me to be a good student and always like to read story, books, andnewspaperI snapped out of my lethargy and began cleaning the house. However, on arrival, a mysterious illness had debilitated Darcus Bowden. An illness that no doctor could find any physical symptoms of, but which manifested itself in the most incredible lethargy, creating in Darcus … a lifelong affection for the dole, the armchair, and British television.

—Zadie Smith, White Teeth, 2001 Synonym Discussion of LETHARGY lethargy, languor, lassitude, stupor, torpor mean physical or mental inertness. lethargy implies such drowsiness or aversion to activity as is induced by disease, injury, or drugs . languor suggests inertia induced by an enervating climate lethargy, languor, lassitude, stupor, torpor mean physical or mental inertness. lethargy implies such drowsiness or aversion to activity as is induced by disease, injury, or drugs .

Languor suggests inertia induced by an enervating climate or illness or love . lassitude stresses listlessness or indifference resulting from fatigue or poor health . stupor implies a deadening of the mind and senses by shock, narcotics, or intoxicants . torpor implies a state of suspended animation as of hibernating animals but may suggest merely extreme sluggishness . Other Medicine Terms analgesia, angina, diabetes, hepatitis, homeopathy, logorrhea, palliate, pandemic leth·ar·gy noun \? leth-? r-je\.

(Medical Dictionary) plural leth·ar·gies Medical Definition of LETHARGY 1 : abnormal drowsiness 2 : the quality or state of being lazy, sluggish, or indifferent —lethargic adjective Learn More About LETHARGY Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for “lethargy” Spanish Central Translation: “lethargy” in Spanish Browse Next Word in the Dictionary: lethe Previous Word in the Dictionary: lethargize All Words Near: lethargy Seen & Heard What made you want to look up lethargy? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible).

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The fact that I have taken my time to find out more about the term will make it more retentive, but apart from that, while trying to find out more about the word I stumbled on some other medical terms …

For this task we had to participate in two interactions. The first activity we had to do was take the temperature of an elderly lady who had significant loss of hearing. The second was to move a teenager from a …

Stanza 1: Dictionary makers say the words “naked” and “nude” are synonyms, but Graves says they’re very different. Stanza 2: Naked is natural and innocent. Stanza 3: Nude is sneaky, uninnocent. Stanza 4: So the nude could defeat the naked; …

Dictionary definitions: ‘Health is having or indicating good health in both body and mind; being free from infirmity or disease.’ ‘Well-being is a contented state of being happy, healthy and prosperous.’ When looking in the dictionary, the definition of both health and well-being …

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