The Human Heart

I am writing on the human heart. I will be explaining the functions and uses of the heart throughout this paper. The main focus will be on how important the heart is to our entire body’s running like a well-oiled machine and its absolute importance to our survival. The heart has four different chambers. Each side of the heart contains one ventricle and one atrium, meaning it has two ventricles and two atriums, one on each side. They are known as the right and left ventricles and the right and left atriums.

The heart uses multiple valves, which are limited in their movement by the papillary muscle, whose function is to make sure that blood does not flow backwards. Blood is able to flow from the atria to the ventricles, but not in the reverse direction, by way of the mitral and tricuspid vales. The right side is controlled by the tricuspid valve and the left side is controlled by the mitral valve. The pulmonary valve keeps the blood flowing in a forward motion through the pulmonary arteries and out of the heart.

The left ventricle controls the aortic valve and ensures that blood continues to flow in a forward direction out of the heart. Although the destination of blood which flows from each place is very different. The septum is the final component of the heart. It comes from the Latin word “saeptum” which means dividing wall or enclosure. The septum does exactly that for the heart, it divides the right and left side of the heart to ensure that each sides blood does not mix together.

The human heart has four chambers. On each side of the heart there is one atrium and one ventricle, thus referred to as the left atrium, left ventricle, right atrium and right ventricle. To ensure that blood does not flow …

The human heart is by far one of the most vital organs of the body. It has a mass that ranges from 250 grams to 350 grams. Its contraction and expansion results in 2000 gallons of blood being pumped through …

The human heart is slightly bigger than the size of ones fist. It is situated at a very safe place which is between the cage bones, i. e. , in the center of the chest. Usually it is slightly on …

The heart is the organ that helps supply blood and oxygen to all parts of the body. It is divided by a partition or septum into two halves, and the halves are in turn divided into four chambers. The heart …

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