The Healthcare Information Technology

Strategies which push forward the success of healthcare information technology may also include efforts to make the technology acceptable, to provide organizational justice as well as involvement and active participation of stake holders and organizational transition. Effective Healthcare Information Technology training should be implemented and understood. This is paramount effort to ensure patient protection. 3. 0 Guidelines on Effective Training in Healthcare Information Technology

The implementation of healthcare information technology directly depends on training of the health professionals so that they can improve the quality of health care using information and communication technology. This calls for effective training of health personnel in the advanced Healthcare Information Technology so that they can use the technology power and improve medical services. Healthcare Information Technology may tend to alter procedures of work and the tasks and how they are accomplished.

Therefore efficient training in Healthcare Information Technology seeks to address the new protocols of working and thus avoid interferences with the performance. Besides, it limits the chances of employee’s resistance since the protocol of how the new technology will be implemented will have been clearly spelt out. Since the pace for Healthcare Information Technology has been growing over the last few decades it is necessary for valuable training. Healthcare Information Technology has gained recognition since it has improved the services and care offered to the patients.

Effective training on these new technologies will ensure advancement of all aspects of health care delivery during diagnosis, treatment and also during administration and billing. Karsh latest estimates indicated that 40% of the US hospitals were planning to implant electronic order entry within the next five years. A survey conducted in 2002 found out that 50% of the hospitals were considering bar coding technology (Jcaho, McGreevey, M. & Joint Commission Resources, Inc, 2004). Effective dissemination of Healthcare Information Technology will enable adopt the knowledge to a local context and sustain the knowledge use.

Evaluation is also crucial since it acts as a measure on how well the information was comprehended. For instance, when health professionals get knowledge on Healthcare Information Technology particularly after training, they are supposed to synthesis it by knowing the tools used, how they are used and the outcomes. They should also know the barriers of the knowledge used before they conceptualize the knowledge. Monitoring of the knowledge use is important since gives more information on how the knowledge is utilized and how it was comprehended.

It is worthwhile noting that it is through monitoring that repercussions can be observed and recorded (Jonas, Goldsteen & Goldsteen, 2007). The confidentially of the patient’s records should act as a guideline, particularly when training Health professionals Healthcare Information Technology. Health professionals must be trained to be conscious that confidentiality safeguards are their obligations. They should be trained on how to use Healthcare Information Technology to secure patient’s records.

Patient’s health records should be secure and available to the relevant personnel. In most cases paper records are not safe and sound; they even become too bulky to keep. Sometimes the records end up in the hands of unauthorized people and this makes the patients feel intimidated especially if they wanted the health personnel to handle their information securely and with confidentiality. At times the records can be misplaced and eventually get lost. This might complicate the whole issue because previous patient records are very important when handling a patient.

Healthcare Information Technology can deal with this problem through electronic data keeping which can be used to control and limit access to unauthorized users. For example, use of passwords and professionals codes can help restrict unauthorized persons from accessing information. Volumes of information can also be kept without worrying too much on the space (Jcaho, McGreevey, M. & Joint Commission Resources, Inc, 2004). The Healthcare Information Technology training should be continuous. This is to ensure that there is high quality professional development.

One needs continuous practice to become comfortable especially with technology. There is a likelihood of professionals requiring more time to train than planned and therefore the training period should be adequate. Technological advancements do not cease but gaps will continuously be filled for better provision of health services. The training should also be focused not only on technology but also on refining the outcomes of the health services, safety and effectiveness. No matter how sophisticated the systems are, they cannot deliver these benefits by themselves, but the medical personnel who will use them to achieve all this goals.

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