The Health Centre

The following day, we went to visit the Health Centre and the Rehabilitation Centre. The equipment there was simple. The Rehabilitation Centre provides free service to the disabilities, including making prosthetics, and the treatment cost. It helps the landmine victims and the children with diseases. We went to the Pre-school and the Primary School the other day. The pre-school is in the village, it is primitive, and the children were having lesson in an open area with the bright sun shining above of them.

They don’t even have a classroom, just to imagine how we can stand having lessons without the air-conditioner. The situation in the Primary school is much better, they learn in classrooms with blackboards. Of course, the facilities are not as good as our school. They gave us a warm welcome, all of the students and staffs came out, lining up on the side of the road, clapping hands and welcome us. It was really surprising and touching, they valued our visit very much.

After our visit to their classrooms, we played games and danced together, so much fun that we had. We wanted to stay longer, but the tight schedule didn’t allow us to. We left reluctantly with big smiles on our faces! We also went to the CMAC de-mining area. The workers there with little equipment provided search for the mines everywhere. It is really dangerous. The staff there demonstrated how to destroy the mines. They use explosive to demolish the mines, which is controlled by human a few miles away.

It was shocking; I experienced how destructive the mines are. Every country should sign the treaty of not using landmines anymore! The last day of our visit, we went to FRIENDS, the vocational training centre in Cambodia. It provides training for youth on different areas like hair-styling, cooking, mechanics etc. It is useful for the youth there to get a job with the techniques learnt there. In the afternoon, we went to the Royal Palace; it was quite a majestical place. In these six days, I have visited so many organizations in Cambodia.

I knew a lot more about Cambodia. Compare to the Cambodians, I am so fortunate. I should have treasured what I already have, but not demanding for more. The Chinese proverb: Happy will be the ones who always feels content is very true! To know more about Unicef, please visit the web site: www. unicef. org. hk . For those who are interested in joining this programme in the coming year, you may look for more information on Unicef official web site, and also listen to the school announcement in November.

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