The Healing process

The title chosen for the third substantive theme of the model was Evolving Beyond as this seemed to capture certain elements of the healing process that went beyond restoration of prior functioning. This part of healing includes self-awareness. A purpose, outside the person who is healing, such as being the primary caretaker for dependent children, influenced healing.

Recognition of this purpose related to a greater self-awareness but it was believed to have a more direct effect on healing. It was at once a comfort, i. e.,“I do not need to worry about dying because my purpose will prevent that from happening,” and a diriving force, i. e. , “ I will heal quickly because I am needed. ” Evolving Beyond often included examination of various aspects of one’s life and motivation to make changes in lifestyle, emotional relationships or definitions of meaning.

Prior to surgery, expectations existed about the surgery but they also could be about one’s ability to handle certain parts of one’s life. The healing experience at times could be a test of whether certain beliefs are correct, i. e. , does physical fitness help one heal faster or has one really become as independent as he hopes he has. There is an exploration of meaning of this illness experience and an examination of the influence this experience might on the broader meaning of one’s life. A variety of life-disrupting events could initiate a similar experience to Evolving beyond having surgery is a profound event which logically precipitates a time of pausing to reevaluate or take notice of one’s life and choices.

Although Evolving Beyond could happen in many life-disrupting events, it is important to healing since it cannot be separated from the healing experience and it influences and is influenced by healing. It seems possible that this dimension could also be present in less profound healing experiences. Many people can relate to an enhanced awareness of what it is to be well after a viral infection. There may be some resolve to get more sleep, take vitamins, or exercise, and some evaluation of the events that may have increased one’s vulnerability.

The Healing process theme is more complex to discuss since there is more to the healing process than is discussed directly by the participants. The entire process theme was not strong with tangible evidence such as direct quotes about process, yet the flavor of process is constantly present throughout the data. A phenomenological study is intended to discover process. Although somewhat artificial to designate a separate process theme, a lived experience is process.

Differentiating substantive themes and process themes serves a communication function with a recognition that process is included throughout all themes. Active Participation includes change and a relationship between the body and the conscious mind. Achieving Balance requires a progression from a state of unbalance to a state of values and actions to a new and different state. Healing process was differentiated only because distinct process issues did exist separate from the substantive themes.

The substantive themes do not have clear boundaries. This overlap is important as an attempt has been made to retain the integrity of the data as a whole. If a phenomenon is unitary, its parts will have independent characteristics and …

Theoretical frameworks consistent with the theme of Evolving Beyond plentiful. However, research supporting these theories is limited. Taylor (1993) found that over 50% of the 78 women with breast cancer interviewed in her study reappraised their lives and priorities. Smith …

The experience of healing as perceived by participants in this study was an active, involving process with movement toward achieving balance and wholeness and the individuals evolving beyond the place they started before surgery. The data clustered into three substantive …

Healing after physical injury or illness is a complex experience. Whatever the trauma, a car accident, surgery, exacerbation of chronic arthritis, or a cut finger, there is more involved in the healing process than automatic mobilization of some internal chemicals …

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