The H1N1 virus

The H1N1 virus commonly referred to as swine flu has rampantly spread in the last couple of weeks. Major concerns arise especially to pregnant women,who’s vulnerability of infection with the H1N1 virus is high. Key concerns on prevention therefore arise. It is during the second and third trimesters that the vulnerability is highest. It may result to miscarriages,abortion or may be fatal to both mother and the unborn baby (Jamiesan,D,G. 2009). The symptoms of the H1N1 virus are similar to those of the normal flu.

They include: fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, stuffy nose, body aches, headaches, chills and fatigue. Sever cases may be characterized by diarrhea and vomiting occurring. In areas of high occurrence,the world health organization recommends that the flu symptoms should be readily noted and necessary action administered. Early treatment,in this case within forty eight hours of noting the symptoms is necessary, therefore WHO recommends that treatment is administered even before the lab results are released.

This helps in containment of virus effects to the body. It is therefore recommended that the pregnant women be the first consideration when administering the vaccine. The underlying risks associated with the virus to pregnant women include:chronic lung disease,cardiovascular disease,diabetes, and immuno suppression (Jamiesan,D,G. 2009). Simple steps have been put across to reduce the spread of the virus.

This include:covering the mouth while coughing staying home for at least 7 days when the symptoms are noted or 24 hours after the symptoms have disappeared ‘throwing away tissue that you have coughed on,use of handkerchiefs, cleaning of hands and handkerchiefs well and avoid close contact with people who are already infected.

Reference Jamiesan, D,G et al. (2009). H1N1:influenza virus infection during pregnancy in the USA. New York: Lancet.

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