The general conditions of the body or mind

When a person talks about health it means the general conditions of the body or mind, especially in terms of the presence or absence of illnesses, injuries or impairments. This doesn’t, on the other hand, (to some people) mean that if you are sick and ill, you are unhealthy (having a bad health). To some people health is about the abilities of someone, like what they can do and not do. For example, walk, run, ride a bike around the town center etc, can mean to some people that you are healthy and well.

Some people can refer health as, fitness, diet, getting regular check-ups or getting your shots etc. There are lots of different meanings to health, so there are lots of different answers, but when I hear health, I think about diseases, sort of food you eat, the way your body looks, how active you are etc. Well-being is the when you feel good, healthy or in a comfortable state. Basically, the way you feel about yourself. If a person feels good about themselves, they think about everything the positive way and have confidence in doing what they believe in.

But, when a person doesn’t feel good about himself or herself, he/she thinks of all the bad things about them and lack confidence in doing what they want to do. These people are often able to do many sorts of things (more than the positive people); it’s just that they lack confidence. It’s sort of giving up once and not trying again, because you know you won’t succeed. It’s like bringing yourself down. You look at others and compare yourself to them and think, “She got an A in Science, I didn’t, I got an E. I’ll never be able to do this” and you totally quit and never try again.

Water-soluble vitamins- they can’t be stored in the body and must be taken in daily. And they are vitamins B & C. Vitamin B helps in growth and repairs body cells. Can be found in food such as breakfast cereal, brown rice, nuts, eggs, kidney beans dairy products etc. Vitamin C aids in the healing of wounds and fractures, keeps gums and teeth healthy and it also protects from coughs and colds. Eat soluble vitamins- they can be stored in the body. And they are Vitamins A, D, E & K. Vitamin A helps prevent infections, keeps the skin and bones all healthy and also helps in night vision.

They can be found in food such as cheese, butter, oily fish, milk, carrots etc. Vitamin D is needed for strong bones and teeth. It also aids in the absorption of minerals. They are found in food such as foods containing fats. Vitamin E is needed to keep the skin supple and elastic. They can be found in food such as vegetable oils, whole meal bread, rice, eggs, etc. And Vitamin K is needed to promote clotting of the blood when bleeding. Like a shield. They can be found in food such as liver, fresh green vegetables etc.

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