the field of medicine

In the contemporary world, it is not easy to find ones’ goals and aspirations in life. For some, it may take a lifetime before they can realize what they want with their lives. Fortunately for me, as early as now, I am fully aware of what I want to do in the future. It is in the field of medicine that I want to engage in with hopes of becoming the best health care provider. My decision to pursue this kind of career was influenced by my personal experiences and my commitment to serve other people.

Throughout my existence, I have been actively involved in several volunteer projects that have helped me prepare for the challenges that my new endeavour as a medical student would entail. For me, doing volunteer works give me a sense of accomplishment because I carry out my tasks wholeheartedly without the notion of any financial reward. My first volunteer experience was with the Red Knight Volunteer Core which has a yearly program focused on implementing small projects within the state.

Some of our successful activities were providing assistance to the elderly in doing household chores and yard work and supporting the local home shelters by initiating food and clothing drives. But my most memorable experience was taking part in the Special Olympics. I was one of the many volunteers who have lent a helping hand to those who have intellectual disabilities. It is just so heart-warming to see that the participants are enjoying and developing self-esteem through sports.

They may seem different from normal people, but the moment that they show off their skills at the field, they instantaneously become extraordinary athletes who have a sense of accomplishment. I commend the participants of the Special Olympics for their determination and bravery. It is because of this kind situation that pushes me more to give assistance to other people. Since then, I have continued to join several programs that provided free or voluntary services to a wide range of people. Another memorable experience as a volunteer was when I worked councilor for Camp Kici Yapi.

As a councilor, my duties were preparing the camp activities, setting up the camp and ensuring the safety of all the campers. Because of my work in the camp, I was awarded with the presidential volunteer award. This award was given as recognition for the more than 100 hours that I have dedicated to volunteer work. Moreover, because of my consistent performance, I have been presented with this award for three consecutive years. However, there are times when doing volunteer work can be very stressful because of the many responsibilities.

Sometimes engaging in volunteer activities would take much time leaving volunteers with lesser time for themselves and their families. Whenever I feel stressed out, I just think of the many individuals who are out there in dire need of support and assistance and from that I tend to be more energized and motivated in doing my responsibilities. Aside from my volunteer works, I have also taken on other extracurricular activities such as Jui-jitsu. For over ten years, this form of martial arts have honed my concentration and instilled the discipline to remain focused through an extended and rigorous study of a difficult subject.

More so, having this as my hobby helped me to learn how to balance my schedule of attending school, doing martial arts and carrying out volunteer works. Ultimately, my passion for volunteer works, my vigor for athletics and my dedication to education have equipped me with the necessary knowledge and qualities needed in gaining success in medical school. Overall, I am determined, motivated and inspired to go to medical school to be the best healthcare provider that I can be.

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