The Danger of Cell Phones

Skeptics have been saying cell phones cause dangerous side effects. As a result, some people claim that when magnetic waves are sent from cell phones, the waves have an allergic reaction on them. Others are saying these same waves caused their cancer. However, I have found virtually no studies that support these claims with scientific evidence. This is the reason for my choice of policy. The policies in regards to cell phone use should not change, for no study has shown a cause effect relationship of cancer and human allergies to the use of cell phones.

Cell phones have a mythological back ground for causing cancer. A few Electro-Sensitives think that cell phone EMR actually caused their cancer. However, it is highly unrealistic that the things the electro-sensitives are scared of really promote cancer (Electro-Sensitives 1). Furthermore, these thoughts are assumptions and there is no scientific evidence to prove these accusations. Cancer is accepted to be caused by damage to DNA making the cell reproduce the wrong type of cell for that area of the body. This is what we call a tumor.

If this tumor begins to spread to other areas of the body it’s diagnosed as cancerous. Many studies have been performed to try to prove that cell phone electromagnetic radiation, in the form of radiofrequency, can indeed damage DNA. In the document “Cell Phones and Cancer Risk,” from the National Cancer Institute, it states that: “The results of these studies have generally not provided clear evidence of a relationship between cell phone use and cancer” (2). Of course studies will continue to be taken and I encourage these studies. However, right now there is no evidence to prove otherwise.

In the paper “Electro-Sensitives & Electrohypersensitivity” from The Skeptic’s Dictionary, it gives proof to why cell phones are seen as not able to cause cancer: Ionizing radiation is known to cause health effects; “it can break the electron bonds that hold molecules like DNA together” (Trottier 2009). “The photon energy of a cell EMF is more than 10 million times weaker than the lowest energy ionizing radiation” (Trottier 2009). Thus, the likelihood that our cell phones, microwave ovens, computers, and other electronic devices are carcinogenic is miniscule (1).

In addition, cancer from cell phones is often projected to be more likely in children. In theory these are some reasons that put children at greater risk of cancer. A child’s nervous system is still growing and creating new cells for development (Cell Phones 6). A child’s head is littler in comparison to adults and puts them at higher exposure to radiofrequency radiation put off by cell phones (Cell Phones 6). Kids are also able to collect more time exposed to cell phones than adults (Cell Phones 6). Despite all these theories, no studies have shown evidence that support them.

The first study was conducted in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Switzerland. It was a large case control study called CEFALO. It contained children with brain tumors diagnosed between 2004 and 2008 with ages from 7 to 19. The study concluded that they found no association between cell phone and tumor risk in these children. Researchers are currently conducting another study to test the risks brought by cell phones. The researchers from the Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology in Spain are putting on this large study. Another slam on cell phones is electrohypersensitivity.

Some people claim that when magnetic waves are sent from cell phones, the waves have an allergic reaction on them. These people are normally referred to as Electro-Sensitives. In the paper “Electro-Sensitives & Electrohypersensitivity” from The Skeptic’s Dictionary, it describes Electro-Sensitives as: “people who suffer from various physical and psychological ailments that they say are caused by electro-magnetic radiation from ordinary household appliances, radios, televisions, cell phones, Wi-Fi, computer monitors, overhead power lines, and many other sources” (1).

Much research has been conducted to confirm these beliefs; however, I cannot find any that strongly state there is a cause effect relationship. Most studies are like the studies in the paper “Electro-sensitives & Electrohypersensitivity,” from The Skeptics Dictionary, that states: “Double-blind, controlled studies have repeatedly shown that electro-sensitives can’t tell the difference between genuine and sham electro-magnetic fields (1).

More convincing evidence may be the studies recorded by the National Research Council. In the paper “Electro-sensitives & Electrohypersensitivity,” from The Skeptics Dictionary, states that: The National Research Council spent more than three years reviewing more than 500 scientific studies that had been conducted over a 20-year period and found “no conclusive and consistent evidence” that electromagnetic fields harm humans. The chairman of the NRC panel, neurobiologist Dr. Charles F.

Stevens, said that “Research has not shown in any convincing way that electromagnetic fields common in homes can cause health problems, and extensive laboratory tests have not shown that EMFs can damage the cell in a way that is harmful to human health” (2). The term electrohypersensitivity is not a medical term and is used only to self-report these symptoms. I think its explained well by the article “Electro-sensitives & Hypersensitivity,” from The Skeptic’s Dictionary: “Many electro-sensitives may be misdiagnosing themselves, however.

For example, the insomniac who also suffers from headaches might consider cutting down from two pots of coffee a day to a cup, instead of blaming his neighbor’s WiFi. ” It is believed by many that people with this electro-sensitive condition will probably respond well to placebo forms of medicine like acupuncture and therapeutic touch. In conclusion, I stand by my policy in that nothing should be changed to account for health problems caused by cell phones. This is because of the lack of evidence I have found to support anything saying that cell phones can cause human damage.

Furthermore, I support the studies being done and I think they are important because I want to know if the cell phone I use could cause me cancer. It just turns out that none of the studies support a cause effect relationship between cell phones and cancer.

Works Cited “Electro-Sensitives & Electrohypersensitivity. ” The Skeptic’s Dictionary. 23 Nov 2011. 28 Nov 2012. <http://www. skepdic. com/electrosensitives. html> “Cell Phones and Cancer Risk. ” National Cancer Institute. 18 June 2012. 9 December 2012. <http://www. cancer. gov/cancertopics/factsheet/Risk/cellphones>.

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