The customers’ health profile

Research has shown to stimulate various senses is vital in order to maintain a healthy body. This is especially important for the elderly. Therefore, activities will include walking in our landscaped gardens and gentle exercise for those who are able to participate. It is important to install routine. Yoga and dance classes delivered with professional instructors. Recreational activities are varied and include: painting, pottery, knitting, music, board games, card playing and games such as ‘Charades’.

We believe that it is vital to keep our residents mentally and physically stimulated at all times and it is important for us to keep them interested in their surroundings. Events organised such as social evenings (on a weekly basis), exhibitions, concerts, Bingo, Bridge… Our staff recognizes the fact that visitors are an important and most welcome part of everyday life for residents. Family and friends are encouraged to visit and to take a full part in all events.

Visiting times are optional and visitors can chat with their family in the privacy of their own rooms. Our facilities also comply fully with Fire Safety Standards recommended by the Chief Fire Officer for County Dublin. Security measures include flood lit grounds, a safe deposit box for valuables, a fully supervised indoor safe area and off road parking. A security system is established in the house (alarm). Our staff is trained in all aspects of lifting, handling and fire safety.

Fire drills are carried out on a regular basis and smoke detectors, fire doors and emergency exits are throughout the Nursing Home. Smoking is allowed in restricted and areas under supervision only. A large building will be necessary for this project. The nursing home will be built in Skerries, North of County Dublin. This is a lovely area by seaside. It has been decided that our home will be built without stairs for the comfort of our residents. Our home is “Wheelchair Friendly” and walking frames are provided for the use of all residents.

We estimate that we will care for 20 residents. The house has been designed with the intention of making all residents feel like they are staying in their own home. 18 bedrooms Each person will have plenty of storage space in the large fitted cupboards. There will be two double rooms, two shared rooms and 14 single rooms, all en-suites, to ensure that all residents’ needs can be met. The comfortable, warm bedrooms are large and spacious to allow maximum comfort and privacy. Bathrooms are fully equipped with disabled facilities.

These include a parker bath, grab-rails, manual and electric hoists and raised toilets. Bathing may be supervised discreetly by staff if required. All food is prepared on site and cooked in our kitchen. Fresh local foods are used at all times. The menu is designed to cater for our residents’ nutritional and dietary needs. Traditional meals feature strongly in our menu and we actively seek feedback and suggestions from our residents. Snacks and soups are served mid-morning and mid-afternoon. Nightcaps and refreshments will also be available throughout the night.

All meals are served in the resident’s bedroom if they are unwell while the majority will join their friends in the main dining area. The advertising and promotion process will start while the nursing home is in the process of being built and will be very intense at the beginning. The promotional strategy involves contacting General Practitioners Surgeries, Medical Centres, Hospital and Clinics throughout the North Dublin area. An information brochure and an explanatory booklet will be sent to surgeries, medical centres and hospitals in order to target potential clients.

Furthermore posters and booklets will be sent to Local Health Clinics, where families of potential customers can access materials about the treatment and care of elderly people. As a result of this intense promotion, we expect to be fully booked by the time we open the house. Nevertheless brochures will be sent to Hospital and Clinics once a month, to be placed in waiting rooms. General Practitioners will be kept up to date with any new technology or service that will be introduced. Customer’s families will be contacted personally; queries and special requests will be dealt with.

Customer’s families will be contacted on a monthly basis in order to provide them with the customers’ health profile or any issue related to health or customers’ stay in the clinic. Furthermore an advertising campaign will be launched in some local radio stations. The campaign will run on Lite FM, Newstalk, Country FM and Lyric FM for the initial four months. The spots will run at specific times, for example during health debates and talk shows. The total cost of the campaign is 1560. 00,

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