The core concepts of Gestalt therapeutic relationship

In gestalt therapy, the most essential aspect is awareness and not dictating what behavior a client should or should not take. The clinician is merely a figure who takes the client through the many choices of behavior that she/he would like to adopt and help them in pointing out the orgasmic reactions as well as the consequences behind their choice and in accordance with their believes and values.

(Joyce and Sills, 2001) This means that it is not the domain of the clinician to choose for the client what is morally right or wrong since the foundational basic of gestalt therapy is that the client is responsible and capable of charting their own course and behavior. In this therapy, it is not about the ‘should’ and ‘should nots’ so to speak since this impedes spontaneity and the integration of wholesome self awareness (Woldt and Toman, 2005).

Gestalt therapy follows a humanistic approach to psychotherapy. That is, dealing with problems that make up human life, e. g. love, fear, pride, self actualization, belonging, individuality, and creativity among others. A cornerstone of this form of therapy is that it encourages the “free-flowing awareness” (Joyce and Sills, 2001) of one’s thoughts and emotions. When the clients are able to acknowledge and deal with their personal issues, the individual comes to a better understanding of himself and others as well. (Joyce and Sills, 2001). It is also person-centered meaning that it lends itself more to personal relationships in the client-therapist interaction and the main goal is to push the client to a state of realization of one’s self.

The Gestalt therapy is more realistic and rational as compared to other therapies that focus on past events that may not have any relevance to the client’s current situation. (Clarkson, 2001) Whenever a client presents for therapy of any sort, the mentality held by the client is the clinician holds all the answers and should tell them what to do in that situation or problem they are facing. However, the truth is that no therapy should directly tell a client what to do because this will only solve the problem temporarily, but may create more complications thereafter.

These complications include dependency, helplessness, and powerlessness. (Adams, 1986) In Gestalt therapy, the therapist affirms orgasmic trust between her/him and the client as well as nurtures or encourages the client to be confident and have a faith in their own thoughts. The hallmark of Gestalt therapy lies in the ability of a client to articulate feelings and own his freedom and limitations so as to live a fulfilling life and contribute to the lives of the others. (Clarkson, 2001) Genuineness is essential in the Gestalt psychotherapy session.

This means that the therapist should not exhibit a facade or a professional front. It is all about being you in this therapy and indeed, this increases the odds of the client experiencing constructive growth and behavioral change. The therapist-client relationship is transparent letting each other in on the flowing emotions in the here and now moment and even when a client may feel uncomfortable to let out some feelings or attitudes, this should not happen on the part of the therapist. (Clarkson, 2001)

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