The Changing Face of Health Care

Kilner, J. F., Orr, R. D., & Shelly, J. A. (eds.). (1998). The Changing Face of Health Care: A Christian Appraisal of Managed Care, Resource Allocation, and Patient-Caregiver Relationships. Grand Rapids, MI: WmB Eerdmans Publishing Co.

Undoubtedly, the central premise of Kilner et al.’s (1998) The Changing Face of Health Care: A Christian Appraisal of Managed Care, Resource Allocation, and Patient-Caregiver Relationships is based in the Biblical injunction for man to take charge of everything on earth in a way that pleases God.  Seeing that the healthcare problems in the United States appear almost impossible for the politicians and healthcare administrators to handle on their own, The Changing Face of Health Care asks for everybody to look upon the problems with Biblical eyes.  Thus, for example, one of the contributing authors, Sondra Ely Wheeler, calls for equality or the end of racism as far as the provision of healthcare is concerned.  Nigel Cameron, another author, calls for Christians to rise above the politicians that are not able to solve the problems on their own.  Although the major strength of the book remains as the fact that it calls for an alternative solution to the healthcare crisis facing the nation – the major weakness of the book is that the authors are not powerful enough to reverse the problems on their own.  Almost everybody knowing the alphabet may attempt to write a book, or essays, as in this case.  However, problems do not disappear simply because virtually everybody has the power to speak or write.

     Hence, the problems that the authors are addressing are not only existent today but have actually worsened.  The Changing Face of Health Care was published ten years ago.  If, on the contrary, there had been a new Gospel of Matthew published in 1998, perhaps the problems that are existent now would have become non-existent a long time back.  Still, as the ordinary mortals say, with great hope in miracles: ‘It is never too late.’  Of course, the Biblical advice offered in The Changing Face of Health Care would touch the hearts of many.  Perhaps healthy retired people with much time on their hands would actually begin visiting hospitals for voluntary support after reading the book.  Nevertheless, the politicians and the healthcare administrators seem to have much more on their minds.  The fact that the problems remain proves that they are not listening to Biblical injunctions offered by this book.  While scientists play around with the words of Darwin – politicians and healthcare administrators find that the Biblical injunctions are hotly contested.

     It is for this reason that the next time the contributing authors of The Changing Face of Health Care put their heads together in the form of a book, they must include step by step solutions to the problems.  After all, politicians and healthcare administrators also have the Bible available at home.  Everybody is aware of the problems and what the solutions may appear as.  Perhaps the contributing authors and editors of the Book may also want to race against the politicians for central control of healthcare issues.  Clearly, not every Christian possesses the power of the Christ as far as the use of words is concerned.  Books are aplenty.  The Changing Face of Health Care fails to answer the painful question: What if nobody is listening?  But, even if the central controllers of healthcare issues in the United States are not listening, the book is a helpful tool for the resolution of the problems.  After all, The Changing Face of Health Care reads loud and clear: Read the Bible to solve all problems faced by humanity in our day.


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