The changes have on behaviour

When dealing with experimental methods you systematically vary one or more factors in order to see what effects the changes have on behaviour. An experiment is often performed in a laboratory because it’s easier to control the factors which one systematically wishes to vary. The main advantage is that you can draw conclusions. You can’t do that in the other two methods. One disadvantage is the ethical problem.

You can only do experiments that don’t affect the subjects in a negative way. Consider the belief that alcohol is a sexual stimulant, and that a few drinks can lower sexual inhibitions and increase sexual attraction towards someone else. Experimenters made a few decades ago an experiment about how alcohol affect ones sexuality. The researchers created two drinks that people could not separate apart from taste and the bartenders then fooled the costumers.

There were those who thought they were drinking vodka and really drank it, but there were also those who thought they were drinking vodka, but drank tonic. Regarding the non-alcoholic drink there were those who thought they were drinking tonic and did it, but there were also those who thought they were drinking tonic but in fact they were drinking vodka. This might seem a bit confusing. To make it clearer the table below represents the different possibilities.

The researchers now wanted to study how the sexual arousal had changed. When the subjects had been drinking for a while the researchers observed all of them and the collected data are showed in the table below. A pattern observed between two different variables is called a correlation. The correlational approach is commonly used in non-experimental studies, since finding patterns is one of the important ways of increasing our understanding

Underage drinking in the UK has doubled in the last decade. This is a major problem for organisations such as the NHS as it costs them 2.9 million per year to treat patients as young as 15 who have alcohol …

The positive effects of drinking alcoholic beverages is often associated with moderate drinking. The definition of moderate drinking is said to be complex because its definition may differ from one person to another. But most of the time moderate drinking …

Underage drinking can be considered as one of the major health problems of US. Binge drinking, or heavy episodic drinking, can be observed to kids as young as eight graders, according to the data gathered by Monitoring the Future in …

Also for a substantial minority of the affected children, the problems continue into their adult lives and indeed, some children of problems drinking parents themselves become transmitters of the problems to the next generation. Children whose parents are problem drinkers are …

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