The Canterbury Tales

The tale that I selected to read was the astronomy practicing Physician. This story of love, in hatred and bigotry was extremely interesting to read however, on the same note the wording was tremendously derived in Middle English tone which made a few sections difficult to understand and comprehend. The non-bible reading doctor’s tale is interesting from beginning to end, he paints a vivid picture of all his characters and there attributes using immense direct and indirect characterization.

The strong connection of injustice and segregation of the lower classes made the tale even more appealing to read because the story helped me envision what the world around the pilgrims was like during these times. From line to line his style and wording made the poem flow beautifully enriching the story as the account continued. One distinct aspect about this tale which truly made me be fond of the story has to be the amazing way the Doctor used characterization to develop his characters.

For instance, when depicting Sir Viginius’s daughter Virginia the Physician used nature promptly in the spectacular woman’s description, “It seems that Nature thus would say. This maid was fourteen years of age, this may. In whom Dame Nature had so great delight. For just as she can paint a lily white or even redden a rose, even with such a stroke. She did this creature by her art evoke. ” These lines indirectly show the readers of how majestic and lovely Virginia was in all her splendor.

Another feature that the prefect practicing Physician as Chaucer calls him uses to describe Virginia is by explaining how she acquired her unfeigned beauty using symbolism. For example, “And Phoebus dyed her long hair with such magnanimous gold as have his burning streamers manifold. ” Phoebus was the sun God of the Greeks and the Doctor uses his symbolism to make his audience understand how radiant, bright, and wondrously gold Virginuis’s daughter’s hair truly is. There are more than a few sections in the story which I liked, yet there are some which I was not fond of including the conflict.

In this tale the Physician brilliantly starts the story off by developing his characters using direct and indirect characterization extremely well, then for some strange reason the reader is told that sweet Virginia must be killed. This huge jump defiantly threw me by surprise. My main reason for the dislike of this section is that there is little or no explanation for why the Livius’s are in this predicament. In spite of this, in my perspective the rest tale was well cleverly written and was very enjoyable to read. The theme of the Doctors tale was very appealing to me, As God as our sole protector fate is predestined.

At first I was unsure what this truly had to do with the tale, but then I realized how the line was the basis for the whole story. Virginia was predestined by God and nature herself to be the fairest maids in all the land. God gave the fare maiden her beauty and life but this was the achilles to her predestined fate. Several times during the story Virginuis and his daughter beg for the mercy of God even though the circumstances he allowed to happen to this fair maiden of beauty. “Praise be to God that I shall die a maid; give my death before I become to shame.

Praise be to he who gives a life of virtuousness, Praise be to he who takes away. ” God gives our lives to us as we enter this world and we must come to realize the Father may protect us in times of need and peril or let destiny run her path. This theme can not only relate to the Doctors tale, but in the lives of the readers ourselves as well. After Reading the Physicians Tale I have learned many things, which could point directly into the lives of Chaucer and the doctor himself. The tale begins with a chivalrous knight belonging to the noble class who has his life destroyed over the injustice of the courts and the law.

This implies directly into the lives of many people during these retched times in the middle ages. Chaucer points to signs of this himself in the prologue when describing the religious classes and their unholy ways of living. The Friar and Monk both are thought to be respectable men who are voices of the Lord. The British author explains to us how evil and unholy the Friar is by saying he would never aid the degraded and poor nor would he do any act without receiving some type of payment. These descriptions from Chaucer link to how unjustly the court was in the doctor’s tale, upholding false persecution and cases.

In the future, I would recommend a fellow student of mine to read the Doctor’s Tale not just because they have to, but rather that the story is extremely fascinating and excellent to read. This tale like no other uses great characterization to develop the characters, whereas others like the manciple and cook use little descriptions to help aid in painting of a vivid picture of what our characters look like or what type of attributes they have. The tale is short compared to others but still is a remarkable read.

In conclusion, I believe that the Doctor’s Tale is a magnificent story that keeps the reader entertained throughout and gives a good outlook to what life was like during the rough times called the Middle Ages. The tale provided the readers with vibrant descriptions of the characters using both direct and indirect characterization. This story is beautifully written, the flow or the wording and the symbolism use throughout makes the tale much more enjoyable for the reader. In my preference the Doctor’s tale is the most compelling and interesting tale compared to the rest.

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