The British Gymnastics Association

Gymnastics as an activity sport has been around for over 2000 years but as a competitive sport it is little more than 100 years old. Mass and individual exhibitions were conducted by various clubs from around the country (Birmingham, Liverpool, London, and Leeds) but there was no formal organisation. In 1881 the international gymnastics federation (FIG) was formed. This organisation pioneered the international competition. The BGA was formed in 1888 and became a limited company in 1982. It is the only recognised body for the sport of gymnastics within the UK.

Now 116 years later the BGA has made substantial progress in improving the standard of performance of British gymnastics at all levels and in all its disciplines (which include men’s, artistic, acrobatic, rhythmic etc). This high standard of performance and reputation has led to membership of the British gymnastics association to increase to over 100,000 members. The association is a member of the world governing body for gymnastics (fig) and the European governing body for gymnastics (UEG).

The association is also a member of the British Olympic association (BOA) and the central council of physical recreation (CCPR) as well as being represented locally and national on many other sporting bodies. This procedure was put in place by the BGA in an attempt to improve the level of coaching in the UK and therefore raising the standard of gymnastics on a whole. Performance Portfolio – Performance Pyramid The performance pyramid contains all the levels through which you must progress to reach the top of the pyramid and sporting excellence.

Following bellow is the performance pyramid in relation to the sport of gymnastics. My current position on the pyramid would be at world class start level. I have already progressed through the mass participation stage, local clubs and the talent development programme. At the moment I’m competing at World class start level for the junior Great Britain team. As I progress higher up the pyramid the level of competition gets harder and more elitist. My Progression up the Performance Pyramid At the level of Mass Participation I was playing gymnastics just on grass with my friends, this is were my interest for the sport began.

To progress beyond this level I had to get involved with my school’s extra curricular club. To do this I would need a higher level of commitment to the sport as I would have to attend the club regularly, this takes the spontaneity out of the game making it more organised. This would take me to the second level of the performance pyramid which is schools. Performance Pyramid Cont’ To progress further I would have to join a local amateur club in my area and start attending their training sessions and competitions.

As I progress further up the pyramid I will need to keep a growing interest and passion in the sport as well as commitment to continue attending each week. To progress to the next level I would need to be improving my skills through training constantly. This is the first time it is my skills and Performance which are needed to make the movement to the next level and not me. I will have to be seen by local development officers and begin to win competitions to move on up the performance pyramid.

Once I have been recognised for my abilities and accepted on to the Talent Development Programme I will have to begin attending the TDP training camps as well as my regular training to ensure that I continue to improve my skills. This will be happening between the ages of 11 and 16. For this I can begin to receive financial funding. To progress on to the World Class start level I would have to be competing greater difficulty elements and winning larger scale competitions such as the British tournament, as it is these sorts of titles which gain attention from regional coaches.

From here I will have to continue to compete well, gain more and more titles and continue to improve. This will be around ages 12 to 18. For this I can begin to receive greater financial funding and a place on a junior international team. At this point I would have to be seriously considering my options as once I am accepted in to the world class potential I will need to have a much larger amount of commitment to attend training of up to 23 hours a week. I will need to improve my skills further and be competing elements of increased difficulty to gain a place on a senior international team.

At this level financial funding is quite substantial and the sport can be considered a career. Professional gymnastics is the right choice of career; I have committed to succeed at this level. To progress to the next level of the pyramid I will need to be training at a constantly exceptional standard to be selected for the world class performance Level. I would need to win a tournament and then be selected from a group of the elite finalists to represent my country in a senior world championships event.

This would require all of my time and so an enormous commitment is needed. To reach the final level of sporting excellence I must have gained world wide recognition for my performances and have performed and won on the world scene e. g. a world championships. I must be the most skilled and committed to become part of the elite group of athletes. To progress to up the pyramid I would need to be continually training and improving. Most of all I will need to have enjoyment in the sport.

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