The brain theory

Just what are dreams? Scientists are still debating this question. Remember, they haven’t figured out what most of our brain capacity is used for, much less what dreams are or why we dream…so they’ll be busy on this one far into the future. Many theories about why we dream exist, but nothing has been proven. My own theory is that dreams are the brains alarm system, reminding us of problems that need our attention.

The brain is working while we are sleeping. It analyzes everything that has happened during the day and if everything satisfies it, we sleep well; however, if something disturbs it, we have nightmares. The brain says: “Hey! Why are you asleep? You have a problem to solve!” And you wake up, disturbed, thinking: “What was it? I need to sleep.” But you cannot: the brain does not allow you to. And you try to think of the reason why you slept badly.

That is the point where you have to think about your life and find a “point of disruption”. It can be a problem at our work or maybe social problem. It is very important to ‘see’ the actual problem and solve it. Many people will say: “What about horror movies? We can have nightmares after watching them.” This is right – our brain takes all the happenings on the screen as reality and tries to solve the problem. The worst thing is if the movie ended badly.

We just add problems to our lives by watching horror movies. And what about those “light” comedies? The movie help the viewer fell good and sleep well. The next morning one awakens fully recharged and ready. Yes, but such movies confuse our brains. We forget about the problems we have had and stop the process of inner solving. Problems that appear unsolvable in the evening are often solved easily the next morning. This happens, because the brain solved it while the body slept.

Movies are bad sometime. Do you remember what you felt when you solved a problem? It was just like after watching a good “relaxation” film. The brain thinks that the problem is solved and stops its work. It is important to choose the time for relaxation right. Brain can be compared to the motor engine if it works very hard it can overheat and damage itself as a result. This is where the movies come in use. They can be used to make our brain think about other things than our problems.

The result depends on the brain and the organism. Nervous system affects this. And sometimes it’s not enough just to watch a movie to relax nervous system. Doctors suggest that if a man doesn’t want to finish up with heart attack he has to ‘relax’ his organism with alcohol or cigarettes the alternative is hospitals and lots of medicine. We need entertainments for relaxation, but it is very important to use them wisely.

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