The aspects of National Health

Similarly, Dollard argues, in accordance to Titmus, that it should be remembered that Social division of welfare is a concept coined by R. Titmuss in his book Essays on the Welfare state. The concept of welfare is based on an idea of redistribution under which the concept of Universal healthcare programs fits in quite well enough. Dollard argues that the measure is redistributive if the people who receive the goods or services from the measure are not as the same as the people as who pay.

This is turn is informed by a certain notion of inequality. There are usually three patterns of inequality. The first is hierarchical inequality. This stretches from the top to the bottom with everyone ranked in a relative position. There are 3 main divisions in accordance to Titmus. 1. Welfare of social cause (the social services); 2. Welfare in accordance to financial format where the fund is distributed by the help of the tax system; and 3.

Welfare related to Occupational causes where the industry is instrumental in the distribution of welfare through the help of employment. The basic concept in this case is to help in the aspect of a) Drawing attention in terms of redistribution under various patterns b) Use various methods of redistribution chiefly with the help of benefits and taxes. c) To broaden the scope of social policy as a subject and the Universal healthcare programs, according to Dos, should be backed by such policies.

(Dollard, 336-39) In this context it would be relevant to mention that Jurgen Habermas’ work on universal realistic approach reveals a rational reconstruction of philosophical methods. Here the fundamentals of the concept are based on speech acts. Thus it reveals itself as a contrast to the general application of linguistics and incline towards a specialization that involves sentence utterance. This is further modified into special subsections like phonemes, morphemes and words.

Jurgen Habermas’ work on deliberative democracy reveals that a system of political agenda that is based on a political decision that function as a trade off with any other medium of communicative format. Under this usage of the phrase or definition it is in the opposite pole of the democracy that is economy based. However this form if completely representative and decision oriented in the conscious level. Here the democracy is not formed on the fundamentals of voting but relies on the authority that is instrumental in making laws that is authorized by the deliberate consent of its prime members.

This again, like Dollard and Creek, is a justification of the Universal healthcare programs formulation. However, it should be noted that the social theory Jurgen Habermas is based on the synthesis of a number of bygone theoretical formulations that starts with the thought process of the neo-Kantian philosophers with a rich tradition of American pragmatist approach that reminds us of the works of Niklas Luhmann, Talcott Parsons, John Dewey and Sanders Peirce.

He also incorporated in the theory the essence of Lawrence Kohlberg and Jean Piaget’s developmental psychology along with speech act and linguistic philosophy developed by John Searle, Stephen Toulmin, P. F. Strawson, J. L. Austin and Ludwig Wittgenstein. Furthermore, his work involved the George Herbert Mead, Emile Durkheim and Max Weber’s sociological theory along with the Frankfurt school ideology of Marxian theory put forward by Herbert Marcuse, Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer. Jurgen Habermas also believed in the general theories of Karl Marx as fundamental thought process.

Apart from these eminent names he was deeply influenced by the works of German philosophers like Hans-Georg Gadamer, Edmund Husserl, Wilhelm Dilthey, Georg Hegel, and Friedrich Schelling and over all Immanuel Kant. However, the principle underlay the development and justification of the modern welfare state—thus the Universal healthcare program formulation is still founded upon the idea that the distribution of medical resources should be determined by medical need, not by ability to pay.

One source of the power of the needs principle lies in the fact that it appears to be both a principle of justice and a principle of community or social solidarity. As a principle of justice it is offered as a corrective to the particular forms of unequal distributions of goods that can result from market transactions, and as a principle of community or social solidarity as a corrective to the possessive individualism taken to be the corollary of a market order and Universal healthcare programs formulation cannot be out of this parameter.

In conclusion it can well be stated that crisis in western capitalism generated the operation of an interventionist welfare state has been resolved by transferring the burden of crisis to some groups among welfare state consumers, as earlier discussion of the realignment of welfare policy in accordance to Universal healthcare programs formulation.

This shift to a theoretical model whereby the welfare state is seen as in process of ‘modernization’ or as in ‘transition’ may well have supplanted earlier crisis theory at a time when the real crisis for the welfare state, in the case of Universal healthcare program formulation at least, may finally arrived.

Works Cited: Creek, A, C; The aspects of National Health; (National Book Trust; 2006) Dos, M; Future of Thought Process in Financial History (Alliance Publications; 2005) Dollard, John; Modern Health Policies in the US: A look into Tomorrow. (New Haven and London: Yale University Press. 2006)

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