The ability to influence a group of people

Leadership is the ability to influence a group of people toward the achievement of predetermined goals or a vision. it is basically about coping with change and leading a team. it hovers around the development of human personnel. Every leader has his own personal style of leadership. Leaders are an enabling force helping the organization and people to achieve the aim of the organization and the needs of the people. It’s more about people and the concept of serving them. Good leadership demands attitudes and behavior which are humane.

Followers follow their leaders because of their behavior which makers’ people trust them and not due to the skills or talent they possess. Leaders make relationship with people. There are many styles or ways that a leader can use to motivate people. The basic three styles of leadership are: autocratic,democratic and lassiez-faire. Autocratic leadership: it’s when the manger dominates its employees. Keeps all the power with himself. Does not consults or discuss anything with juniors while taking decisions. He likes to delegate his work. He orders and commands. He does not communicate much and has a set or predecided rewards or punishments.

He neither gives many explanations nor trusts them. Democratic leadership: it’s when the leader involves the employees in decision making. Sharestask with the employees. Take their advice and trust them keeps them informed about the decisions taking place. Heis highly involved with the employees and encourages them to grow. Rewards them when they show good performance. (S. P. Robbins 2009) Lassiez faire: gives full authority as well as responsibility to the employees and leaves them at their own. Gives no direction and expects them to solve their own problem. It’s very difficult to choose one single style of leadership.

The leader must be flexible enough to behave according to the demands of the situation. Stick to any one style of leadership does not enhance productivity and in such changing global scenario it would have an adverse effect. Acombination of leadership should be exhibited depending on various factors. The world has becoming globally so advanced that change has become a daily phenomenon. The world now is very interdependent and there are several forces from all the sides to harm the organization and its people. at these times the leaders should be adaptable to situations and should have emotional strength to cope with the changes personally.

It depends on the leader how to manage and hone the talents of his/her followers between so many forces of pressure. (US Army Handbook,1973) In this modern age of increasing global change, a leader must be constantly evolving and improving him. He must be able to understand the fast change and react, unreacted to it to fit into the situation. He must be able to create the visions of the future and accordingly inspire organizations members to achieve optimal effectiveness. The leader must be able to challenge the status quo, formulate structured plans and inspire people to aim high.

Trust is when has a faith on the other that he/she will not disappoint the other by any of his activity,deed or actions. one believes that the other will not take the use of opportunities secretively. it I sapositiveexpectation which rests on history of interaction and also has the element of risk. The dimensions of trust are based on main five (5) factors: Competence: An individual capacity for which is required to be carried out, whether the person has the relevant skills,technical knowledge and people know about them. Consistency: an individual who does what he says.

The discrepancy in the actions brings distrust. Good in handling situations quality. Loyalty: one who is ready to protect others putting oneself at risk. Openness: on whom people can be reliant that he will always be open about things. Integrity: most critical factor which binds all the above factors is the trustworthiness of the person. an honest person is trusted by all and hence can be proved an effective leader. It is believed that in the pyramid of effective leadership trust and integrity forms the major base of leadership. Trust ones lost is very difficult to regain so one must be careful in his/her activates.

(Roger Nagel2006,organisational behavior and organizational change) The kind or leadership organizations expect nowadays is a lot more complex. A lot of styles,theories,approaches is to be combined and then applied. Leadership should be the result of how different ways of management methods and processes is used. Its humanity which is reflected to the people. Good leadership also depends on additional significant qualities like: integrity,humility,courage,postivity,wisdom,courage,sensitivity,compassion,honesty,passion,confidence,determination,commitment. These attract followers. it inspires them to follow the leader.

Along with these factors a leader must also know how to lead them,motivate them ,guide them and instill passion, confidence, zeal towards life and work. The leader should be someone who can solve their problem, enable them to be thriving,create harmony among the teams,and stimulate them to show high performance. (Alan champman,leadership). There are two approaches to leadership: The leader has to choose which way he will be oriented. Blake and Mouton designed one managerial grid which exhibits this difference in basic approach. According to them the leader first has to adopt whether he will show

Consideration i. e. employee orientation or-leaders concern is more for the employees and their needs. It’s about building team work,accepting differences among each other and overcoming through personal relationships. Or Structure i. e. task orientation- leaders believe that completing the task is more important for him understanding technical aspects produce better. They keep their followers busy with task all the time. The style adopted should come naturally to him/her. it is said that considerate style leaders produce higher performers compared to structure.

After all leadership management is about human resource (Schriesheim, 1982). Also there is one more approach to leadership. Positive or negative. When a leader uses positive rewards like incentives, independence, holiday trip,extra benefits,recognition party or even a tap in the shoulder for good performance it is known as positive leadership. it motivates employee and give them a feeling of importance. it inspires the follower to work more passionately. While negative employers rewards penalties for poor performance, they make scold,rebuking in front of others,suspending or deduct salaryetc.

It’s punitive in nature and it makes the leader highly satisfied and the follower dissatisfied. Their morale falls and soon productivity also slow down. Positive approach or negative approach both are not nesecarilsy exclusively used. A leader can be both also. Sometimes punishments are also required to teach a lesson also but it’s been seen leaders who are on the positive side are true leaders. A leader along with all these knowledge of different ways,approaches,styles of leadership,his role duties must also have emotional intelligence.

Now one would think how is emotional intelligence linked with leadership? Is it necessary? I say it is emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is managing ones emotions, feelings, goals, thinking and behavior until a leader understands his own self and is being able to controlhimself, howwould he motivate others,to solve others problem,guide them one should be at peace. EI also helps to understand and read others feelings and behaviour. it is an important aspect in intrapersonal relationships and management of people.

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