THC and Marijuana

Marijuana is a highly addictive drug and over the years it has been abused, associated with death because of over use and even led to crimes like theft and prostitution as serious addicts go to any length to get it. With all the negative aspects associated with it and policies set to stop its cultivation, the ironical part is that marijuana has been tried and tested in the cure of diseases and yielded positive results. Marijuana contains a major intoxicant known as THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol). THC is the component that most researchers have found to be useful in modern medicine.

Researchers at Bar-Ilan University in Israel found out that by introducing smaller contents of THC into the medicine for the treatment of brain cancer, patients’ their conditions significantly improved. This shows that there is hope for the treatment of brain tumors in the coming years as these cases are on the increase. Cancer patients under chemotherapy and radiation get nauseated and it has been discovered that in some individuals, dronabinol, a THC drug helps to control these cases of nausea and vomiting. (Brick, 1999) says that there have been developments in the treatment of glaucoma.

Although some people think that marijuana cures the disease, it does helps in its treatment as it slows down the progressive loss of vision. Injection of THC is just as effective as other treatments for glaucoma. THC is useful in treating seizures, menstrual disorders, muscular hypertonicity a condition which may affect one’s movement and speech and other nervous system disorders (Abood & Pertwee, 2005). People with insomnia-a sleeping disorder who have taken small proportions of marijuana have said that it has helped them sleep better.

Furthermore, researchers at California Pacific Medical Center research Institute found out that CBD- a marijuana component has helped in stopping the spread of breast cancer in the body. Comparing this treatment with other forms of chemotherapy that have serious side effects on patients the research showed that this form of cure does not exhibit such tremendous side effects and should be used in future for the treatment of cancers. Moreover, Marijuana based medicines have been used as pain relievers and appetite stimulants (Mack& Joy, 2001).

It has also been found out that marijuana can ease the pain caused by associative diseases that come with the HIV/AIDS infection. An Italian professor Giovanni Appendino through research said that cannabois in marijuana can cure a dangerous strain of staphylococcus infections. This is a group of bacteria which leads to infection of diseases to humans or animals which may be mild or potentially fatal. The major sign of these infections are boils. How health care practitioners and health scientists can work to promote a good scientific approach to address the legitimate use of marijuana in the medical field.

By looking at the above positive attributes of marijuana, we can say that research by medical practitioners should be increased and supported by the government as well as by individuals it seeks to cure. Health care practitioners and health scientists should first create awareness and educate the general public on the positive effects of marijuana while talking of ways of avoiding its abuse. It is also the duty of the Health scientists to fight for better policies to allow them to pursue these researches as they can convince the law makers on the benefits of marijuana in curing diseases that may or have affected them and their citizens.

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? Since marijuana was discovered, it was smoked to get high and to cope with suffering medical conditions. Scientists are now realizing that marijuana could help in some medical cases. It s not particularly effective across the board, but it …

Recently doctors have prescribed marijuana, and “the Clinton administration threatened to prosecute doctors who prescribe marijuana,” (Gonnerman 40). Doctors are prescribing marijuana for its medical benefits. The Clinton administration on the other hand is outlawing marijuana because it has not …

Medical marijuana: and Its positive and negative effects on California and Its government. Marijuana has been in use for thousands of years. The first known reference dates all the way back to China in 2900 b.c. It was “noted as …

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