Tenth Doctor

“Through crimson stars and silent stars and tumbling nebulas like oceans set on fire, through empires of glass and civilizations of pure thought, and a whole, terrible, wonderful universe of impossibilities. You see these eyes? They’re old eyes… and one thing I can tell you, Alex: monsters are real. ” (Doctor who personal quote “Night Terrors”) Doctor Who is a story where the main character, “the Doctor”, is constantly time traveling to explore different areas of the universe at different times created by three main people; Donald Wilson, C. E.

Webber, and Sydney Newman. Although many genres are present in the story the main one shown is science fiction. The presence of various types of scenarios and physics distortion throughout every second of the story creates a mind blowing presence in surrounding the audience, thus making people re-think the logic they know expanding the thoughts of the world and thereby making the reader expand their knowledge. Plot mapping The “Doctor” is a renegade time lord, an eccentric and much unorganized scientist race from a distant planet called Gallifrey.

This race is, as the name describes, a race of time traveling human like beings. Although they are the most stable race in the universe “The Doctor” escapes the planet on a stolen Time And Relevant Dimensional In Space, or TARDIS for short, which is a device that’s bigger on the inside used to travel to different parts of the universe and time. TARDISes are supposed to be programmed to blend in to the surroundings but the one The Doctor had taken seemed broken and always appeared as an old British police box.

In his travels he found the planet Earth and grew much attached to its inhabitants. occasionally he would pick up a couple to go on all his adventures with him. as he traveled he usually found himself having to save some part of the universe and or some dimension from many distinct forces of evil. one of the first opposing force was The Daleks, mutants into robotic bodies hell bent on exterminating all life in the galaxy, The Cybermen, robotic humanoids from the doomed planet Mondas, Davros, the Dalek’s crippled creator and The Master, a time lord gone bad.

Through his many multiversal saves he has become part of many defense associations for different planets and galaxies. Now, Time lords have a very unique ability, apart from having two hearts and being able to live for thousands of years, they have the ability to regenerate eleven times. In short they have eleven lives, each lasting until they are killed. The doctor though, is a special case, he has 12 regenerations. Throughout his many lives he has gone through many experiences and many wives including the queen of England slowly fulfilling his first dream of exploration.

On his eleventh life, he committed a taboo for the time lord race and traveled to his grave yard to stop a man from entering his life line, which is a film like hologram that records all the events he experienced throughout time, and because he has traveled more than any other time lord that has ever existed, his life line is the most dangerous thing in the multiverse in the wrong hands. on this adventure the one life of the doctor whom he refuses to have ever been because as he remembers it, he destroyed his home planet and all other existing time lords, except for the master.

The story is now starting the doctor’s final life when the 11th doctor died. although we have only met the 12th doctor once on the day the 11th died, by the way he was introduced, it seems partially obvious that he will reveal all remaining secrets the doctor has hidden including his real name, a secret that everyone asks and brings the ultimate question to an end, Doctor who? Character analysis Clara Oswin Oswald is the final companion that has been introduced that travels with the eleventh doctor. Although she only lasted for a season popular belief is that she is one of the top five companions the doctor has ever had.

Clara was first introduced as a technical wiz during the “Asylum of the Daleks” where the doctor had traveled to what seemed to be a Dalek disposal ground where Clara is seemingly trapped in. The doctor is notified of her being there by hers truly by sealing him in the core of the disposal grounds where the planet is soon to be eradicated. The only way for the doctor to escape was to find Clara and help her leave her prison. Near the end of this part it is revealed that Clara was a human but had been transformed into a Dalek because of her intense intellect but ended up being a failed experiment and was locked away.

After this discovery Clara lets the doctor off the planet and stays behind to die as she does not want to be anything but human. For the time it seemed to be that this would be the end of Clara but she was later seen in another adventure of the doctors called “the snowmen” that took place in an early time period where Clara is a Victorian barmaid who discovers that the doctor has a very unique hidden secret when she sees him jump and seemingly climb on the air before disappearing.

Clara follows him and discovers his TARDIS on a cloud like floor in the sky. Clara is later invited to become the Doctor’s newest companion after being saved from an attack by snowmen brought to life by the Great Intelligence, another alien race that has their mind set on using the human race as a source of food. After being shown the TARDIS, officially, and given a key to the TARDIS, Clara is attacked from behind and falls from a great height bringing her to her death once again.

At the end of the episode, her tombstone reveals her full name to be Clara Oswin Oswald. The Doctor realizes she is the same woman as Oswin AKA “shuffle girl” from the Dalek Asylum, and confused by the fact that he has found the exact same person in two different areas in the universe in two distant time periods. This brings the doctor to a new mission of finding Clara once again in a different time period.

After a while of e meditating break in the late medieval times he is phoned by a Clara from a more present time by accident. This leads the doctor to travel to her doorstep immediately. This time though the doctor does everything he can to make sure that Clara doesn’t die so that he can figure out why he sees her everywhere, a mystery that earns Clara a new nick name, “mystery girl”. From this point on Clara becomes the doctor’s companion throughout his adventures.

These slowly warp Clara from a completely ignorant, fearful and stay home kind of girl to one who pushes the doctor to do things even he is afraid to do. So to conclude Clara not only changed her way of being but she made the doctor a more reasonable “human”. You could really compare her to doctor Phil from the way she smoothly talks people into doing what she want and convincing them it’s what they want and also like me in the way she no longer hesitates when she wants to do something.

Motifs & themes The series of Doctor Who has many reoccurring scenarios. Throughout the life span of the doctor all her female companions have been shown to be the ones that have to deal with other’s emotional issues while the male deals with everything ells. In every season there is always a woman that must bring the doctor down from his godly pedestal and force him to help single people whom they think need help based on some emotional connection. There is also the constant use of time travel.

Of cores there will be much of this since the whole thing is based on a time lord but it is by far the biggest motif in the story. Apart from that there is one thing that not many people notice because of the Doctor’s seemingly high intellect. Throughout time the doctor has been seen as a savior or a god to those who have been saved by him or as a massive threat on an untouchable level by those who have been defeated by him. Which makes way for the topic of idiotic intelligence or intellectual stupidity?

To many who know of doctor who and know the story he may seem like a mind blowingly smart being, depending on one’s vie of the term smart, but in reality all the worlds he has saved and all the evil he has defeated he has done so with pure unreasonable and coincidental logic that he makes sound more complicated than actually is. In other words, he puts all of his intelligence into trying to make everyone around him seem as stupid and dumbfounded as possible. A good example of this was when he faced a being whom most bereaved was a god that could swallow the universe whole if not kept asleep and well feed.

The “god” fed off of people’s experiences and memories and of cores while the doctor was there he was awakened. The doctor tried to satisfy the god by feeding it all of his own experiences and went on a long rant about how he had experienced more than everyone in the world combined and that he knew things no one ells would ever dream of knowing but this was not enough. At this point his companion brings out a leaf which she declares is the most important thing in the world to her because it is the cause of her existence and experiences.

From this the Doctor gets the idea of feeding it the leaf because it was a physical description of the term “what if” it supposedly held many distinct stories that could have happened but never did and fed the god to its fill using a single leaf. Clearly showing that this save was, like many others, a coincidental thought process that happens to spark into his mind at the correct moment. Critique It seems very likely that Doctor Who was created on the sole purpose of entertainment. And with audiences all over the world it seems the creators did a good job of accomplishing this task.

As a completely fictional story it had no significant meaning or persuasion to the world. It was always just a story to entertain and simply put, to make people think outside the box as every second of the Doctor’s adventures was completely unrealistic to the average condensed human mind. It really had no relation to the real world what so ever. There were never any issues that a normal person would have encountered on earth. There was no man vs. man or man vs. society it was all god versus aliens. You could say that it was an extra long superhero story where the hero is a complete idiot and at the same time a genius. Analysis and evaluation.

The question is asked, “was it worth doing? ” Well of course it was worth doing there are millions of Who fans in the world now. Doctor Who is enjoyed so much by people all over the world there are very few who have seen the wonders of the doctor and not love it. and personally speaking not just from my own opinion but from the views of many different fans out there when i say Doctor who is one of the best things i could have ever been introduced to. No movie, series, or book could compare to the wonders of Doctor Who. But there is one thing.

I would recommend it but i would never have anyone else come in to the world of Who.i wouldn’t because it has to be discovered by individuals. Then after someone has been entranced by The Doctor that’s when the bombardment of everything Who. Every single thing the doctor does is a deep and very complex mind blowing experience where nothing but logical and illogical things alike are pounded into your head until logic is your only emotion. The Doctor changes the views of so many things, it expands your range of thinking and it really makes ones existence seem meaningless but at the same time you have to live on to find out how much of all he has showed is true.

Conclusion There have been any stories read and now in the 21st century many have been watched but none can compare to the stories of this Renagade time lord. the story may have its flaws it could be seen as to sciencie or as an anti religious entertainment but one thing is for sure, no matter what it is The doctor will always be The Doctor. As a final word of recomendation, if one has the apropriate state of mind Doctor Who could be the a captivating story but that againg is left to the audience’s opinion.

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