Telecommunications: Medicine and Patient Information

A description of telecommunications with examples of technology used in your workplace · The advantages, disadvantages, and importance of telecommunications in health care · Where you see telecommunications in 5 years Telecommunication In Healthcare Introduction The half-century following the Civil War witnessed an epochal transformation in American telecommunications. In 1900 the telephone network became the first electrical communications medium that network providers intended to be accessible to the entire population. Communication has always been the essential piece.

From the invention of the telephone the ability to send and receive a message has been the cornerstone of communication. Healthcare and the delivery of healthcare services have always been dependent upon effective communication. Face to face interactions were key to the relationship developed between the healthcare provider the patient. As the technological advances grew so did its impact on healthcare. Description of Telecommunications Video Data Voice Videoconferencing enhanced the communication efforts when practitioners and patients could not be in the same room or location.

According to C. Roh (2008) “store and forward” technologies, permit digital images and other information to be saved and transmitted relatively cheaply to consultants who can receive and interpret them. ” Technology in the Workplace Telemedicine According to C. Roh (2008) “As defined here, telemedicine is the use of electronic information and communications technologies to provide and support health care when distance separates the participants. ” Telemedicine has allowed patient information to be transferred with ease and accessibility.

The ability for a doctor in Chicago to view the chest x ray and send information to a physician in minutes relates to the impact of telemedicine in the medical community Electronic Medical Record The electronic Medical Record (EMR) has allowed several care providers to open a patient’s record, document, and communicate with one another with proficiency and accuracy. The EMR has allowed patient information to be shared across systems so a nurse can inform an inpatient of a clinic appointment without in an outpatient clinic. Examples of EMR’s are Cerner, Epic, Meditech, and Carevue to name a few.

Electronic Medication Administration EMAR has increased patient safety and reduced med errors. Most systems have a scanner to allow the nurse to scan the patient’s identification band before administration of medication can take place Advantages Patient Safety Bar Code Scanners Access to Patient Information All increase the efficacy of patient care. Allows the healthcare providers quickly access patient information from multiple locations even from home. Disadvantages Patient Privacy User Error Loss of Critical thinking Patient privacy has been impacted by telecommunication devices and systems.

With wireless communications and internet devices the chance information can mistakenly be sent to an inappropriate source is always a concern. Once the sent button is pressed the information is sent and cannot be altered or reversed. User error is another concern because the information does rely on human fingers to input in the computer. Error is always a concern. Loss of Critical Thinking is a concern because the computer provides the brain. Information is easily accessible with the option to choose from preselected options. Importance of Telecommunications in Healthcare Communication

Accessibility of Patient Information Disease Management Communication remains the most important function of telecommunication. Communication is enhanced by allowing practitioners to send and receive patient information thru a legible and safe database. By clicking one button practitioners have access to patient information, can communicate with other disciplines and write orders from the hospital or home. Disease Management is achieved with the online resources available thru various databases integrated with the EMR. Telecommunications in 5 years Robotic Tools Telemedicine

According to American Telemedicine Association (2012), “Formally defined, telemedicine is the use of medical information exchanged from one site to another via electronic communications to improve a patient’s clinical health status. Telemedicine includes a growing variety of applications and services using two-way video, email, smart phones, wireless tools and other forms of telecommunications technology. ” With the increase in technology regarding robotic tools used to enhance surgery and physician accuracy I expect see the agent in inpatient settings assisting Nurse and Doctors with medications, rounds, and patient care.

Conclusion According to Molinari, K (2010) “’Shape our future’, last month in Cairns, several of the workshops and presentations looked at minimizing error in clinical practice. People are bound to make mistakes, but it is crucial that we learn from these and develop techniques to minimize their impact. ” Telecommunications has allowed the medical field to embark on new horizons. The electronic medical record has enabled practitioners to have access to patient records anywhere there is a computer.

EMR has improved overall patient safety by having legible information in a secure database. Shaping our future is what telecommunications in the healthcare setting accomplishes by ensuring healthcare delivery remains prudent, accessible and reliable. Introduction Telephone The half-century following the Civil War witnessed an epochal transformation in American telecommunications. In 1900 the telephone network became the first electrical communications medium that network providers intended to be accessible to the entire population. John, R. R. (2008, June).

Telecommunications. Entrerprise Sociey, 9(Issue 3), 507-520. Roh, C. (2008). Telemedicine: What it is, where it came from, and where it will go. Comparative Technology Transfer and Society, 6(1), 35-57. Retrieved from http://search. proquest. com/docview/225170502? accountid American Telemedicine Association. (2012). What is Telemedicine. Retrieved from http://www. americantelemed. org/learn Molinari, K. (2010). Quotes to remember.. Australian Family Physician, 39(11), 807-807. Retrieved from http://search. proquest. com/docview/763589348? accountid=35812.

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