Technology Is it worth it

?Robin Sharma once said “cell phones, mobile e-mail, and all the other cool and slick can cause massive losses in our creative output and overall productivity. ” As humans keep relying on technology to do their work, the body and brain slowly lose their ability to function. Excess usage of technology results in dangers ranging from addictions to an increased risk of obesity. Technology with its benefits has many drawbacks that can substitute and/or damage many vital parts of a human’s body, brain and nature.

Technology almost substituted thinking by limiting processing and memorizing vast amount of information. Surprisingly the internet was created “to share information and knowledge”. Companies like Google, Microsoft, and Apple’s products started to give their costumers information when needed, and they started to rely on them to do everything, from recalling words, to giving students answers on a test. “In 2009 journal Science published” that people who use electronics are weaker at “critical thinking, inductive problem solving, imagination, and ‘abstract vocabulary’.

” Technology can also have many addictive qualities, because it’s specifically designed to hit reward centers in the brain repeatedly, causing similar addictions to those of drug abusers. In addition lack of social activity leads to depression ,and awkward social behavior But the brain isn’t only thing that is affected, the body is too. The body the human’s machines, which the brain uses to work, are also being affected. In the late 19th century, the forms of entertainment were generally outside. Individuals would meet up, socialize, exercised under the mild sun of the evening.

In the 21st century, individuals spend a considerable amount of their time sitting in a dim room, hooked on “video games” or “watching cat videos. ” In fact an average person spends 50 minutes a week exercising, a long way from the recommended 270 minutes a week. Instead the average American spends 20 hours a week watching TV, 17 hours on the phone, and 19 hours a week on the internet which limits the time allotted for socializing and exercising. Lack of face to face socializing and exercising time affects the human body in many ways.

First, the lack of movement encourages obesity which leads to heart problems, disorients the endocrine system, and denatures bones. One of the leading factors of technology negative effects is the food synthesization. For example Fast Food may not be technology but it’s one of the most technological manufactured foods. Fast Foods is not natural, because it relies on food scientists, bugs, hundreds of unhealthy livestock, machinery, pesticides, and loads of workers living under illegal circumstances. Together all these things produce a quick meal, with a day worth of calories mostly in the form of fat.

If people eat 3 to 4 meals a day repetitively a fast food restaurant they will be consuming excess energy, which is saved as fat. Humans use fat as a reserve for energy, but how often will a person need a month’s amount of food? We never use the fat because we are sitting around all day. After we fill our reserves with fat, the fat has nowhere to go and floats in the bloodstream. Trans-fatty acids and saturated fat cling to blood vessels keeping food oxygen to the rest of the body. Food synthesized by technology may be a problem, but so is lack of exercise that does use fat reserves.

With modern technology health is worsened along with an individual’s privacy. When the World Wide Web was created in 1991, to “share information and knowledge” instantly. However the internet was not prepared for the future or the abusing users. Some users choose to use the internet as another porthole to hurt other people. Companies use cookies to help assist the website, but companies more often, use them to track innocent individuals . More importantly the companies files are “vulnerable” to being “‘harvested’ by other sources”.

Cookies rarely cause harm, but malware on the other hand is one of the greatest threats to the world. In 2007 the Stuxnet malware attacked Iran Nuclear Program, and wasn’t discovered until 2010, which I an example of the dangers of malware. Later on in 2014 Russian backed hackers attacked NATO which was helping Ukraine. These are a few examples of well know in situations of cyber warfare between major political groups. These may be extreme malware attacks, but they shed light onto the wide spread situation computer is hacked every “39 seconds”.

Malware attacks aren’t intended to hack one computer, but thousands and try to get as much information as possible. Malware isn’t the only way people get information; predators try to trick users to give personal information. They generally use the internet to try to find their prey by the internet. After they find their prey, they start to create a relationship with vulnerable users and then start to try to convince him or her to show private information or do repulsive acts or even lure them in to their deaths.

“Technology is a gift of God. After the gift of life it is perhaps the greatest of God’s gifts. It is the mother of civilizations, of arts and of sciences. ” Technology is a helpful tool but, if you use technology in excess the result will be negative because “everything in excess is opposed to nature”. As I said earlier electronics is addictive. If you can moderate yourself, technology will be a benefit. If you can’t moderate it will cause severe drawbacks. It’s impractical to remove technology from humans lives.

Even if individual is able to control his/her use, humans must pass the ability to their children. Removing the computer is not an option. If a child wants a computer badly enough he will find a way. This makes technology control tricky. Technology is a useful tool, but we must draw a line in were technology should not reach. Technology and the internet have almost substituted and are destroying thinking and movement. The internet connects the world form one place or the other it’s much easier to commit crime on the internet.

Companies used this and created games and applications with addictive qualities. With the addictive qualities we easily spend many hours a day hocked to a screen. Fast food is a technology product in which has devastating affects in prolonged use. The body may be important, but is equally important is your privacy which is in huge risk when you use the internet, if you don’t know how to use technology. Life is all about moderation and it’s no different from the only person who has the power to change this are you.

Remember you control the technology, not the technology controls you. “Robin S. Sharma Quote. ” BrainyQuote. Xplore, n. d. Web. 10 May 2015. http://www. brainyquote. com/quotes/quotes/r/robinssha628765. html “Why Was The Internet Created. ” Why Was The Internet Created? | Why. Knows Why, 3 Sept. 2010. Web. 10 May 2015. .\ “10 Ways The Internet Is Destroying You – Listverse. ” Listverse. N. p. , 23 Sept. 2013. Web. 10 May 2015. .(was removed) “How Many Hours a Year Do We Spend on Loo, Exercising and Having Sex – and Other Everyday Stuff?

” Mirror. Mirror, 04 Mar. 2014. Web. 10 May 2015. . “Fat and Calorie Content of Fast Food Versus a Home-Cooked Meal. “Infoplease. Infoplease, 15 Oct. 2013. Web. 10 May 2015. . “Google Analytics. ” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 29 Apr. 2015. Web. 11 May 2015. “Stuxnet. ” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 8 May 2015. Web. 11 May 2015. . Staff, By Live Science. “Hackers Attack Every 39 Seconds. ” LiveScience. TechMedia Network, 07 Feb. 2007. Web. 11 May 2015. . Hippocrates. “Hippocrates Quote. ” BrainyQuote. Xplore, n. d. Web. 11 May 2015. .

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