Technology in Medicine

Since technology in medicine changed with each passing day, robotic surgery and cyber surgery are often regarded as the new revolution (Lanfranco et al. 2004). They bring considerable benefits into medicine area which allows surgeons to overcome the obstacles in some emergency (Achievements, Health Sciences, Media Release 2011). In addition, it is no doubt that robotic surgery and cyber surgery are the most popular topics in surgery today (Lanfranco et al. 2004). So it is necessary to let people know what are the advantages and disadvantages of the technology in medicine.

As we all know, surgeons need to get their hands in patients’ body, and that will cause big incisions, but the incisions will be smaller and less traumatic with robot’s tiny hands (Svitil 1998). What is more, the incisions heal faster than with traditional surgery, and patients do not need to stay at hospital so long (Svitil 1998). Pary Sains said robots make it possible that patients can access to specialists no matter how far between them (Clothier 2005). Nevertheless, if a patient was injured seriously in the cyber surgery, it will be difficult to identify who is wrong (Hamilton-Piercy 2007).

Doctors also can get benefits from the technology in medicine. For instance, doctors can read the records, view X-rays and check the results, see the patients and ask them questions through a console (Clothier 2005). Moreover, using technology that links an exploration to surgical instruments can let the surgeons follow the trail of their locations (Steven 1995). Nevertheless, Shankar Sastry claimed that it is hard for surgeons, because laparoscopic surgery is a challenge process, such as a tool limitation to staplers, graspers, scissors (Svitil 1998).

For the hospital, the robotic system resembles the surgeons’ hands and eyes, enabling exceedingly maneuverable and precise level of skillfulness (Achievements, Health Sciences, Media Release 2011). The technological miracles including cyber surgery and robotic surgery accelerate the civil use of machinery (Steven 1995). So if extreme precision is needed, doctors are already being substituted by advanced robotics, because robots are far more efficient and accurate in some surgery, such as hip replacement and brain surgery (Clothier 2005).

However, up to the present time, almost no long-term investigated researches have been showed that robotic surgery and cyber surgery can work well. Another disadvantage of these technology systems is their cost (Lanfranco et al. 2004). Because of the high price, most hospitals would not try the technology systems readily. Although there are many obstacles and disadvantages of robotic surgery and cyber surgery, and it is no doubt that many questions will emerge, but the problems will be solved with the development of technology.

Despite all the disadvantages, robotic surgery and cyber surgery had already showed their potentials and significant values in medicine area (Lanfranco et al. 2004). Reference list Achievements, Health Sciences, Media Release 2011, viewed 18 January 2011, http://www. adelaide. edu. au/news. Clothier, J 2005, ‘Robo-doc works hospital rounds’, Cable News Network, 19 May, viewed 10 April 2008, http://www. cnn. com/2005/TECH/05/18/Spark. robodoc/index. html. Lanfranco, AR, Castellanos, AE, Desai, JP & Meyer, WC 2004, ‘Robotic Surgery-A Current Perspective’, Annals of Surgery, vol.

239, no. 1. Hamilton-Piercy, M 2007, ‘Cybersugery: Why the United States should embrace this emerging technology’, Journal of High Technology Law, vol. 7, no. 2, viewed 10 April 2008, http://www. law. suffolk. edu/highlights/stuorgs/jhtl/docs/pdf/HamiltonPiercy_note. pdf. Steven, JE 1995, ‘Cybersurgery’, in R Lebauer (ed. ) 2000, Learn to Listen, Listen to Learn, Addison Wesley Longman, White Plains NY, pp. 63-64. Svitil, KA 1998, ‘Robotic Surgery’, in R Lebauer (ed. ) 2000, Learn to Listen, Listen to Learn, Addison Wesley Longman, White Plains NY, pp. 163-164.

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