Technology improved the lives of people in the UK

Introduction ?? The most important thing for people’s lives is health, governments of many countries have been starting concern on people’s health care and their medical industries, technology of health care development is a main part that they focus on, so the UK does. This report will focus on technology of health care in the UK, and discuss the effects of changing people’s lives and the society over the last 20 years. ?? Technology has greatly changed health care in a number of different ways. (Taylor, 2011).

Through the development of technology, the medicine has a great improvement which have resulted increased longevity significantly. Moreover, medical facilities are becoming high tech by development and medical needed, these high tech instruments allow them to be less incursive while doing more surgically. Therefore, the improvement of facilities and instruments make lots of conveniences for surgery; those technologies reduce the risks and failures of surgery. ?? With high technology of health care, people are getting more benefits than drawbacks.

Patients are having high tech medical treatment which makes them have confident on it; also their families can rest assure that high tech tools with professional doctor are more safety to finish a treatment or surgery. Nevertheless, medical staffs with fully completed equipments are easier to make decision and perfectly to diagnose a patient or a disease. Overall those points and returning to society, it inspires all benefits to people and their living. ?? Technology changes as new forms are devised to better fulfill purpose or as the purpose itself is expanded or limited.

(Reiser, 2009) So technology development of health care is a necessary action, also it is important for us and next generation as well. ?? Technology of Health Care ???? Medicine is one of the important part for health care. Its development affects the whole medical industry and people. The fact is people are concerning on their health, they are wondering how can the illness get recovered as fast as they want. By medicine technology developed, medical industry has invented lots of new drugs to heal diseases. ????

Surgery was perhaps the first medical technology – an assault on the human body with tools designed to heal rather than to harm. Because it has become commonplace it is now seldom considered as part of modern technology. (Jennett, 1986) In fact, the surgeon can have increasingly changeable surgical technologies to lead to the acceptation of more complex works that use association of techniques and surgical surgery. This technology improvement successfully results more lives saves, medical issues correction and a better success rates with surgery. ????

Facilities of medical are becoming high tech by technology development and surgical needed, The advent of equipment such as robotics and lasers in the surgical fields has greatly advanced the accuracy and capabilities of surgery. Whereas once a surgeon had only hand held items like scalpels and clamps with which to operate on patients, today these high tech tools allow them to do more surgically while being less invasive. (Taylor,2011) Having completed medical equipments and good medicine development is definitely needed in medical industry, it made medical staff can conveniently finish a treatment or a surgery.

2. People Affected by Technology Improvement of Health Care ???? Patients healed by high technology of medical facilities or medicine is one of the reasons that make them to trust their doctor and its techniques. On the other side, their families can rest assure that their parents can heal by those equipments, so it increases confidence for both patients and and their families. ???? Doctors are the target for such criticism because it is rightly assumed that their decisions at the point of consumption largely determine what part high technology plays in modern medicine.

(Jennett, 1986) Observation and diagnosis are extended by high- tech equipments. With those high technology instrument doctor and medical staffs can sense and do things that they could not without than, also they can implement an objective more readily. ???? Society concern the cost of using and developing new technology of health care, high technology adjust the balance of distribution of health care resources. Although there are other effects in public life that are hard to determine, that should not be ignored.

The atmosphere of living in the UK can assure the citizens, if a serious illness defeated suddenly, technology will be remedy. High technology of health care makes patients having confidence in treatment and surgery, moreover their families can rest assured more, and doctor can diagnose perfectly by high technology supported. 3. Benefits of Technology of Health Care High technology development improve people’s living in many ways. High technology of medical industry are helpful for doctors and medical staffs, Technologies are material inventions developed to extend or replace human capabilities. (Reiser, 2009) Also, it reduces the error and mistake of surgery, treatment and diagnosing.

To reaffirm that people are to implement the functional independence, advanced healthy and quality of lives, especially elderly, which cause them to participate in their families and community, until they get to the end of their life to have a peaceful death. Moreover, people are obtaining benefit at their living by high technology equipment. e. g. to do a BP(Blood Pressure) testing is much more easier than before, even people can do it easily at home with a BP monitoring. Home BP monitoring is now uniformly advocated for the evaluation and management of hypertension.

This is so because BP control among treated hypertensives remain poor, and it is believed that home BP monitoring can improve hypertension control. (Agarwal, Bills, Hecht, Light 2010) Conclusion ?? In conclusion, new technology of health care improved the lives of people who lived in the UK over the last 20 years; it is one of the main parts of health care for the UK. Moreover, the new technology of health care can let patients trust technique of the development, patients’ families feeling more relieved, doctors having more confident to complete a treatment or surgery.

Therefore, new technology represents a powerful force for changes that improve the quality of health care. ?? Although high technology medicine is often criticized for being costly, and even some of these are ineffective. This report analyses these controversial problems by supporting references. Many technologies are often used unsuitably. However, some of the other technologies are not fairly criticized, in fact, those bring people more benefit than many traditionally accepted medical interventions. ??

Technologies are created by the existence of possibilities that the prevailing ideas, culture, and social climate of an era suggest to an innovator could be useful, interesting, or profitable. Thus, technologies are absorptive and reflective: they soak up and mirror back aspects of the environment in which they are created. (Reiser, 2009) ?? In the future, more development of technology for health care is necessary, also well development can reduce the error of diagnosing, surgeries and treatment, which can make people rest assure to trust the medical industry and staffs.

The main part is guaranteeing people’s health and extending our lives. Thus, the future of medicine looks bright as long as technology is well integrated, risks are reduced, and the technology is used for the greatest overall good, technology of health care is important for us and our next generation. Bibliography Jennett, B. (1986). High Technology Medicine Benefits and burdens. Oxford University Press Taylor, C. R. (2011). Ways in which Technology has Changed Health Care. [online] Available from: www. ultrasound-technician. net/ways-in-which-technology-has-changed-health-care/ Reiser, S. J (2009). Technological Medicine.

Cambridge University Press Ferlie, E. B. And Shortell, S. M. (2001). Improving the Quality of Health Care in the United Kingdom and the United States: A Framework for Change. University of London; University of California. McClymont, M. (1986). Health Visiting and the Elderly. Churchill Livingstone. Agarwal, R. , Bills, J. E. , Hecht. T. J. W. and Light, R. B. (2010). Role of Home Blood Pressure Monitoring in Overcoming Therapeutic Inertia and Improving Hypertension Control. American Heart Association, Inc. Hociota, D. (2012). Functional Endonasal Surgery – Concept, Development, Trends. Vol. 7, Issue 2.

Introduction ?? The most important thing for people’s lives is health, governments of many countries have been starting concern on people’s health care and their medical industries, technology of health care development is a main part that they focus on, …

Introduction ?? The most important thing for people’s lives is health, governments of many countries have been starting concern on people’s health care and their medical industries, technology of health care development is a main part that they focus on, …

When people think about technology they think about new inventions. Technology is a new way of making people want more than what they already have; they have made technology come to a point that humans are not able to function …

Plastic Surgery began around 4,000 years ago. In the late 19th century, the American medical community grasped reconstruction surgery and the history began. The first major plastic surgeon was Dr. John Peter Mettauer, who performed the first cleft palate operation …

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