Technology and Health care

Healthcare is a growing industry that has evolved over the years. The rapid growth of modern technology has impacted the health care system as a whole placing emphasis on quality of care, health care payments systems, access to care and the overall patient experience. Use of technology has simplified the health care delivery system for both the patient and medical facilities while identifying various trends within the health care system as well as potential areas for improvement. Without doubt, medical technology is indispensable for people’s health and better quality of life in some areas; and contributes billions of dollars to the economy” (Ong and Tan, 2002).

Use of the internet, tele-health and other clinical health information systems have allowed patients to take control of their health while offering a number of benefits such as “access to provider education, a reduction in cost, time and travel, in addition to a reduced number of referrals, outpatient consultation and emergency room visits” (Vo, 2008).

Internet health services systems like WebMD have encouraged patients to analyze their own healthy lifestyle choices and increase the quality of their lives. This paper will analyze what WebMD is, how it has impacted quality of care, access to care and cost. In addition this paper will place emphasis on how WebMD has impacted technology in health care from a social, economic and ethical standpoint. WebMD is a health information service system that was established in 1996 by Jim Clark and Pavan Nigam.

WebMD is a public internet services site that offers information to its consumers regarding health, health care services such as a symptom checklist that allows the consumer to input current symptoms to determine the patient’s possible illness (WebMD, 2013). In addition WebMD provides opportunities for online chat with a medical professional, medical forums and discussion boards as well as access to the medical library.

WebMD enables the consumer to gather information on specific prescriptions, and pharmaceutical companies as well as provide healthy tips on how to create a healthier lifestyle and improve an individual’s overall quality of life. WebMD not only provides health care information to the consumer but also physicians and other healthcare professionals through other internet entities such as eMedicineHealth, RX List and Medscape to name a few (Wikipedia, 2013).

The internet has played a crucial role in shaping a patient’s quality of care. ” In the old way of doing things, a good doctor-patient relationship was the only way for a patient to bridge the medical information gap. The Internet is changing the status quo by providing interpreted medical information directly to the consumer” (Ballas, 2001). The internet has allowed patients access to care and the ability to educate themselves on patient procedures and create a deep understanding between the patient and physician.

Telemedicine has allowed patients to interact with medical professionals through use of teleconference, videoconferencing and chat while providing the patient a sense of confidentiality and ease to discuss current health diagnoses regardless of what area of the country they reside. Use of WebMD and other internet health systems have allowed the consumer to have a greater sense of control over their health as well as confidence. As the demand in health care continues to grow the cost continues to rise.

With the growth of advancing technology there has been a decrease in cost of medical services as more and more people are taking to the world wide web. Taking to the web has driven cost down “substantially by streamlining and merging back office administrative processes of plans and providers. Equally important is the tremendous savings that can be generated by more efficient identification and channeling of resources to high risk patients, care delivery in lower cost settings, and elimination of the waste associated with medical errors” (WRGH, 2013).

Information technology has played a recurring role in impacting social, economic and ethical issues within healthcare. The impact of information technology is a steadily growing trend that has continued to gain world wide acceptance within healthcare. “A 1997 survey of internet users found that 65 percent had sought health information at least once, and more than a third used the internet to find health information regularly” (Masys, 2013). Ethics plays a major role in information technology and securing patient information.

Utilization of information technology can serve as a threat to patient safety if information gets into the wrong hands. Unfortunately there is no full proof method method to ensure patient privacy is maintained however it is imperative as healthcare professionals to abide by regulations and guidelines outlined but HIPPA. Healthcare spending is important to any consumer within a cost driven market. The average consumer will weigh the cost of service against need for service to determine whether the cost of service justifies the mean. In conclusion, technological advancements have shaped and increased the overall future of healthcare.

Information technology has continued to reduce cost, improve quality of care, increased patient satisfaction and maintained stability within the healthcare system as a whole. Advancing technology has generated opportunities for improvement and growth amongst medical professionals and physicians while giving the consumer the reigns to own health for little to no cost. At this rate with continued progress many consumers will start turning toward WebMD and other internet health information systems lessening the need for doctor’s visits and saving the consumer a bundle in high cost and other related out of pocket expenses.

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