Task of health care organizations

For managing any centralized system the organization must have technical staff that can handle any problem that takes place. (Monk, 1) Why to Implement Centralized EMR System (Researches and Surveys): If we just simply review and observe the benefits and changes after the implementation of EMR then it feels as if the world would be totally changed with its implementation and centralization. Having the records at a single place and finding the records in just few seconds and any where is some thing that shows the rapid development of the world. There are a lot of potential benefits of EMR that can not be discussed even.

Having the histories of the patients for the improvement of health care, improved communication among the staff and all types of reports are available in the digital format; all these things seems to be a dream till now. Researches and surveys have been done in this field and the response is double to the one that was expected. This clearly shows that the field of medical needs development and people are here to welcome such changes and innovations. In United States, the place where EMR system is implemented has seen a growth of double digit. All this growth has been achieved just in the period of last five years.

This growth is yet not stopped and it is expected to grow more. So it is a point to think that when the establishment of EMR has brought so much benefit then if it is implemented at every other medical organization and becomes centralized then how much beneficial it would be. Obviously it would be a one time expense but think about the benefits that it is providing. The EMR market can be broken down into 2 different segments. One is the hospital sector and the other is the sector of ambulatory care. According to a research made by Frost and Sullivan the total United States market for hospital sector found out to be $758.

8 Millions in 2003 and according to a careful observation it was expected to reach at $1259. 12 Millions by 2007; in this calculation and estimation the compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) is shown to be 13. 5%. This is showing a drastic improvement, profit and growth so now who can even say that these implementations are not worth. Secondly the sector of ambulatory care was observed and the sales were $568. 3 Millions in 2003 but it was predicated that the sales of this sector will reach up to $982. 2 Millions by the year 2007. This is also showing a compounded annual growth rate of 14. 7%.

These researches show that the over all EMR market of United States is producing $1327. 1 Millions in the year 2003 and it is carefully analyzed that it will reach up to $2241. 3 Millions by the year 2007. These high ratio benefits makes it sure that if further improvement and technology is used to bring more developments then this EMR market will shoot up. Therefore it should be the try and task of health care organizations to develop the systems in EMR that will be in great demand and use in up coming years. One of such system can be the accessibility and centralization of EMR. (Electronic medical records industry research report, 1)

The accessibility should not be limited; it should not be available just with in the office of the physician as he can need it and use it anywhere else like in conference room, during traveling and trips, at home and …

For implementing a centralized EMR system every health care organization must have an EMR system for their organization and then their data will be collected and stored at the centralized system. Although it is something expensive but if every health …

In recent times, there has been a marked slowing in this trend of integration, mergers and networking in health care organizations. The fact is many such partnerships have been, or are, in the process of dissolution. The integration of hospitals …

It was in February the US District Judge issued an order to the state of the Department of Mental health to devise a plan in reversing a staff from the state’s hospital. It had been found out that the staff …

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