Systems Development Plan

In order to develop a comprehensive system, meeting all needs and requirements, the following steps will be taken for development. 1. Considerations for Systems Investigation It is imperative that an understanding of the inputs and outputs of data is achieved. The major inputs of data will come from the staff at The Fitness Center, and the customers of The Fitness Center. These people will also be receiving the primary outputs from the data. With this understanding, the following considerations must be kept in mind: 1. The level of computer knowledge and experience will vary. Therefore, the system must be easy to use and difficult to break.

2. Security must be maintained to allow users to only view data relevant to them self, or their clientele (for trainers). 3. “Static” data will also need to be updated. This includes information on how to use fitness machines, class schedules, and other information. 4. Much of the information is dynamic. The users will need to input current activities, goals, and special considerations. The system will need to use internal logic to create plans to maximize fitness, as well as to present fitness statistics. 2. Steps for Systems Analysis The first step is to make sure the scope of the project is understood.

This is critical for focus groups, to keep the members focused on the task at hand. The scope has been previously defined by the project manager and passed down throughout the team. The second step is to determine the data collection methods and timing. It is the responsibility of the Staff Coordinator, User Coordinator, and User Interface Manager to establish a timeline for data collection. This timeline will be reported to the project manager, who will build it into the overall project plan. It is imperative that the following factors are considered when developing the data collection methods: 1.

Reliability and accuracy of information collected 2. Availability of people needed for information gathering 3. Determination of method – survey, focus groups, telephone interviews, etc… Once the data requirements are understood, the user interfaces must also be specified. The same team continues to work together to develop how the information will be presented to the users. The factors to consider in this process are: 1. The overall look and feel of the website 2. What data input screens look like and are navigated 3. What the output screens look like, including the use of charts, diagrams, and text.

At the completion of gathering information from the end users, it is the User Interface Manager’s responsibility to develop the system’s analysis and design specification documents. 3. Systems Design Process The systems design process occurs simultaneously with the Systems Analysis Process. It is the User Interface Manager’s responsibility to develop the following documents: 1. Design Document. This is the major document from which the programmers proceed. Within this document is the following information: a. Data dictionary defining all pieces of data within the system b. Identification of primary keys c.

Identification of relationships between data within the system d. Outline of security, stability, and operating needs and concerns 2. User Interface Design Document. This document creates the templates and layouts for the programmers to work towards at a visual level. a. Detailed descriptions of the overall layout and design of the website b. Sample screen shots for how the page will look c. Specification for each page needed d. Specification of the data needed for each page 3. Specification of Hardware/Networking requirements- Document outlining the physical resources required by the system a. Network diagram chart b.

Purchasing specifications for computers, routers, and other hardware needed c. Hosting decisions d. Server recommendations 4. Process for Development During the course of development, the following steps will occur. It is the project manager’s responsibility to guarantee that the project proceeds on time and on budget. Any major problems encountered during this iterative process must be immediately communicated to the project manager. This process will be iterative over the course of the development cycle. In fact, review by the end users is required on a monthly basis to guarantee the project is proceeding in the proper direction.

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