Swine flu virus

An article found on MSNBC’s website claims that nationwide fears over the spread of the swine flu virus are easing for now. However, the article also claims that President Obama says the nation is preparing for the worst in spite of the relatively mild outbreak thus far. Despite these seemingly contradictory statements, the authors of the article do not seem to favor left-wing ideals, and are accurate with their facts. The article seems to take on the role of a soothing diplomat. It tries to ease the worried mind while keeping its readers informed simultaneously.

The authors offers a report from New York City officials stating even though cases of the swine flu have been documented in the state several schools have closed temporarily, the virus has still not spread beyond a few schools. They also offer the fact that relatives of victims in Mexico, where the virus is believed to have originated, have yet to catch the virus. Though President Obama is confident the nation is going to be able to manage this potential pandemic flu effectively, the optimism is cautious in nature.

The authors mix in a few bitter pills along with the rays of hope by producing cold facts, stating the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported over 100 confirmed cases of swine flu in 20 states Friday. Many schools around the country are temporarily closed like those in New York. The authors also bring up the case of a United Airlines flight that was diverted Friday after a passenger complained of flu-like symptoms. Despite the diversion, however, the swine flu has proved to be little more than an inconvenience in the States.

The authors point out New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s claim that it was little more than a “relatively minor annoyance. ” As the mayor of the city with the most cases in the United States (NYC has 50), he might know best. The authors also point out statements that hint at the possibility of the majority of Americans having “some type of immunity” towards the virus. Nevertheless, the country is remaining cautious. States are stockpiling antiviral medications that can ease flu symptoms or help prevent infection, as such medications seem to be proving effective.

The Department of Health and Human services suggest each state should have enough meds to treat approximately 25% of its population, however, few states are equipped to treat that percentage. States, however, are beginning to receive kits to give them the ability to do their own swine flu test. Until now, states had no choice but to send samples that couldn’t be ruled out to the CDC. These kits will allow doctors to immediately begin treatment. Since labs will be able to detect the virus, the agency may move away from case updates as well.

While the nation seems to be growing cautiously optimistic, the article also places a strong emphasis on the prudence of schools closing if an outbreak does occur within a school or college campus. Sports in the state of Alabama are being suspended temporarily as well. The outbreak is not limited to grade schools, either. College campuses are seeing cases too. However, a school closing happens for a reason, and students should not be allowed to frequent malls, restaurants, etc during that time period to realistically stop the spread of the virus.

The headlines of any magazine, newspaper or electronic media be it websites, blogs, a web journal etc. has something about swine flu. This latest strain of the influenza virus usually found in pigs, is causing panic at an alarming rate …

A well-informed society is the call of the day. This information, aside from local and global politics, economies, and peace building, must imperatively include appropriate responses to catastrophes, disasters, and pandemic illnesses. Of late, the novel H1N1, commonly referred to …

Overall, the article has more of an opinionated feel than that of a fact-based one. And while MSNBC is known for being a democratic news station, the opinions battle each other and leave the readers to make up their own …

The H1N1 virus commonly referred to as swine flu has rampantly spread in the last couple of weeks. Major concerns arise especially to pregnant women,who’s vulnerability of infection with the H1N1 virus is high. Key concerns on prevention therefore arise. …

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