Suicide and Suicidal Behavior

After reading all of the statistics, the facts, the observations and opinions about suicide through the research of this paper, it is safe to say that suicide is never really about one thing in particular. People who lose their home or their job do not typically take their life. Normally, they would go out and try to find another job. A new home or job is always there, it may take time to get, but it is there. A life time of sadness and things going badly can make a person believe they are better off dead. It is easy to see how one bad occurrence after another could make someone think that way, as sad as it may seem.

Depression is a horrible thing, and it only gets worse if it goes untreated. Many people do not realize that they are depressed until those thoughts start to creep into their head. When reading history on suicide, researchers tend to study psychological, and sociological factors and mental illness like depression that make people feel that they want to die. These days, there are more signs and clues to help identify a person who has given up the will to live, and who thinks that there is no hope for them to feel better. Feeling sad everyday is not normal, and should not go without being looked into.

There is a huge difference between being depressed and getting help and knowing that depression is there but plan to end it all instead of trying to get better. Things are never so hopeless that suicide is the only way out. For someone with depression or mental illness, that hopelessness creates an inner peace with death to get that escape from all of the sadness. In conclusion, now that the research is complete, it is no longer though that every suicide case could have been prevented. However, when signs of depression start to show, they should be taken seriously.

There are many signs that could be mistaken for depression and contemplation of suicide, but it is much better to address those signs and know for sure that the person in question about is not going to take their life. It is sometimes unavoidable and not easy to see but the signs are out there, and it is up to us to see them and get the people we love the help that they ultimately need.


Ballas, C. , MD. , & Zieve, D. , MD. (2010, April). Suicide and Suicidal Behavior. Retrieved November 5, 2010, from Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania

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