Suicide and Depression

Do you know that suicide is presently a tragedy that has often been causing death in the United States of America amongst other nations? Suicide is said to be the third leading cause of death among teenagers in America currently. This is a compelling problem with the youth of the United States today. In addition, more teenagers are dying out of suicide than any other disease in some countries.

Teenagers commit suicide because of family troubles, failures in school, lack of supportive network amongst other reasons which makes them doubt their self-worth, often feel unwanted, redundant, and misunderstood therefore lacking a reason to continue living (Coopstein, 2008). Depression can be referred to as serious illness that affects one’s thoughts, feelings, behaviors and the overall health. Depression can affect anybody, teenagers included. When teenagers get depressed, they should be helped with treatment (Franklin, 1999-2003).

Depression is the most common cause of suicide amongst teenagers. However, it is not the only cause of suicide. In the past three decades, suicide has increased in a very high late. When depression has negative effects on teens’ relationships and ability to act normal while at home, school or even when playing, there is need to seek treatment from professionals like counselors (Rowatt, 2001. ). There are several facts about suicide amongst teenagers that include the following; One, every year almost 5,000 young people die by committing suicide.

Secondly, suicide amongst teenagers has totally increased three times compared to how it was in 1970. Moreover, 90% of teenagers dying of suicide are normally diagnosed of mental illnesses, with depression being the most common. In 1996, suicide is said to have been the fourth biggest killer of persons between ages ten and fourteen and it is the third biggest killer of those aged between fifteen and twenty four years (Depression Guide, 2005). How teens behave when they want to commit suicide

When one is dealing with a teenager, it is important to always learn and know them very well especially when they look depressed. When a teenager is thinking about suicide, they will talk about; suicide or death in general, going away, feeling hopeless or guilty, they will get away from friends or family, loose the desire to take part in favorite things or activities, have trouble concentrating or thinking right, lose appetite, stay awake during the night, engage in self destructive behaviors like taking alcohol among other things (Nemours Foundation, 2010).

Why could teenagers commit suicide? According to the studies done, suicide attempts among teenagers are based on long-term problems triggered by specific events. Many times, teenagers consider temporary situations or problems disturbing them as permanent and that is why they get depressed to the extent of some committing suicide. Feelings of anger and resentments combined with blown up guilt can lead to reckless self destructive acts. Teenagers, kill themselves so as to forget the things they are going through (Depression Guide, 2005).

Teenagers get depressed when there are conflicts in the family or parents have divorced. Parents may decide to divide children between themselves, some ending up with the father while others the mother. Some fathers may remarry and so the children end up experiencing discrimination and gain low self esteem because of being abused by step-mothers or step-siblings. In addition, teenagers get depressed when there are financial crisis at home and they cannot be given what they want.

They also get depressed when people they love die, when they are living a messed up live at home, and when they break up with a boyfriend or girl friend (Franklin, 2003). Why suicide happen among teenagers There are several factors that are associated with suicide. One of them is psychological disorder particularly depression, alcohol and drug use as well as bipolar disorder. Secondly, the feeling of distress, irritability or agitation and feeling of hopelessness and worthlessness that is often followed by depression (Nemours Foundation, 2010).

This feeling mostly happens to teenagers who have experienced repeated failures at school, those weighed down by violence at home or those who have been shunned away from their peers. In addition, those who have tried earlier to commit suicide are always followed by the feeling of wanting to do the same again. They always think of committing suicide when faced with issues. Even when they are surrounded by people who show them concern like family members or even friends, they still feel they want to die simply because they think that they are not loved or understood the way they would have wanted (Nemours Foundation, 2010).

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