Suicide among the elderly

Suicides are generally related to the presence of mental disorders. The major cause of elderly suicide is depression. Depression affects almost 19 million Americans every year (National Institutes of Mental Health, 2000). Depression in elderly is considered normal and is mostly assumed to be an age factor. ” Almost 6% of the Americans elderly, over the age of 65 suffers from diagnosable form of Depression. Depression indeed is connected with suicide attempts, specifically for elders.

Doctor defines depression as ‘clinical depression’ which is a severe form of depression. Most of the old people suffer from depression. Mostly people who commit suicide are seriously depressed. The rate of elderly suicide is dramatically increased during last 20 years, and currently elder Americans are most likely to commit suicide where suicide is the eleventh leading cause of death in the country. In America alone, the population of elders more then the age of 65 is about 13 percent of total population.

In fact, the highest suicide rate in America is for white men ages 85 and older. Men with the age of 85 or older cause 65. 3 deaths per 100,000 persons, around 5 times the total U. S. rate of 10. 8 per 100,000 (National Institute of Mental Health, 2000). One of the problems contributing to the high suicide rates in older Americans lies in detection. Health care providers and researchers reveal that a lot of older people are not at ease, talking with others– specifically mental health professionals– regarding their problems.

Because the mental health care has been stigmatized as something shameful, the elderly are far more likely to consult their family doctor while undergoing depression or any other mental disorder. Sources shows that approximately 79% of the elders that have committed suicide consulted a doctor within a month prior to their suicide. . Suicide in male elderly: The total number of male elders beyond the age of 65 in America is about 12. 4% of total population; out of which 16. 0% commits suicides. In 2004 almost 14. 3 per 100,000 suicides were committed by elders.

That makes it one elder suicide after every 101 minutes, which means almost 14 suicides every single day. Among them the white Americans dominate at overwhelming ratio in coming suicide with a rate of around 31 suicides per 100,000 every year. (Duckworth, G. & McBride, H. (1996) White male Americans more then the age of 85, are most likely to be at greatest risk as compared to all the age-gender-race groups committing suicide. During 2004, the rate of deaths of white more then the age of 85 men was nearly 48. 4 per 100,000, making it 2. 5 times higher then the current rate of deaths.

In women the rate of suicide in female usually reduces after age 60. The percentage for the old age suicide was very high during 1987 at 21. 8 per 100,000 people. The percentage of old age suicide deaths has dropped to 28% since 1987. This is supposed to be the largest decline in suicide rates Although older adults attempt suicide less often than those in other age groups, however it is increasing day by day In America the Total number of suicide deaths is 1 suicide for every 24 attempts. Among the teenage there is an estimated 1 death for every 150 attempts.

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