Suicidal deaths

People surrounding the survivors must accept the fact that grieve caused by suicidal deaths is really intense because they don’t know what exactly happen why their loved ones committed suicide. In such case, people surrounding the survivors must be willing to listen and hear out the thoughts of the survivors. Some survivors want to be alone. Others need someone to talk too. The survivors are looking for someone whom they can confide and pour out all their problems concerning the global warming. Choose the correct and encouraging words to say to our survivors.

This could somehow ease and lessen the depression of the survivors. Accept also the fact that it’s normal for survivors to grieve. Overcoming the grieve doesn’t happen overnight. It is a process. What is important is to allow the survivors recover in their own pace. Hastening the recovery might not help the survivors. There are many reasons people grieve. Grieve caused by suicidal deaths is just one. Unfortunately, this one is far different from other reasons for grieving. People surrounding the survivors must learn the fact that grieving for their loved ones is necessary.

However, they must be reminded that they should not remain in this kind of grieving situation. During the actual burying of the dead, again, survivors are very sensitive and emotional because such an event allows them to see the coffin being lowered to its place in the ground. This view grieves the survivors more because the reality is settling in their minds—their loved ones are gone. Burying their dead means there is no turning back. The dead has rested. The survivors are still striving to survive. The survivors are still thinking of the real reason why suicide is committed.

Thanatologists are studying the behavior of the survivors. It is normal to grieve. Suicidal deaths are depressing. Survivors must be given assistance in recovering from the lost. Grieving is a part of the survivors’ lives. During especially occasions such as the birthdays, anniversaries, and other holidays, survivors once again feel sad because of the memories of the departed ones. If this is the case, people surrounding the survivors must be present during these especial occasions to celebrate with the survivors.

Their presence is enough to make survivors happy, somehow. Conclusion Studying the whatabouts of death is as exciting as studying life. Thanatology is not only focused on what causes the death. More so, thanatologists study human behavior in order to help survivors cope up with their emotions. Suicide is committed intentionally. Survivors are left grieved because they do not fully understand what happened to their departed. Respecting what they feel is important. Help them ease what they feel is also commendable.


“Thanatology. ” (2008) MYSTICA. Retrieved November 27, 2008, from http://www. themystica. com/mystica/articles/t/thanatology. html “Thanatology. ” World of Forensic Science. Ed. K. Lee Lerner and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner. Gale Cengage, (2006). eNotes. com. Retrieved November 27, 2008, from http://www. enotes. com/forensic-science/thanatology Wolfelt, A. D. , (2008). “Helping a Survivor Heal. ” Survivors of Suicide. Retrieved November 19, 2008, from http://www. survivorsofsuicide. com/help_heal. shtml

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