Substance Abuse in Colorado

Substance abuse has been one of the critical issues of the world today, may it be a developing or a developed country. Substance abuse can be used interchangeably with drug abuse or drug addiction. Some also include the use of alcohol and cigarettes. Generally, such phenomenon is very common among the youth today. Let us look first at the general picture of the issue. According to the National Criminal Justice Reference Services, “drug use is a shared problem. ” It is a misconception that drug users can only be found from an environment different from where a normal American is living.

Drug users can be found anywhere, across gender, race, social status and age. Surprisingly, three-fourths of drug users are even currently employed [NCJRS]. As of 2006, there are already around 300 million living in the United States, with 24 million adolescents [U. S. Census Bureau, 2006]. With these 24 million, one-fifth has used drugs; one-third drank alcohol, and one-sixth smoked cigarettes [NSDUH, 2006]. It’s a good thing that such percentage has decreased over the years, specifically from way back in 1979. Despite such decline in the numbers, this is still a critical issue that must be given attention by the government.

Substance use poses harmful effects on the different aspects of an individual’s life, much more on the youth. The youth is the future. The future will be dismal if the youth continues to be exposed in such dangerous environment. Cigarettes acquired the largest adolescent users in 2006, with 1. 2 million [NSDUH]. It was followed by alcohol users, with 630,539; followed by marijuana users with 886,454 users; followed by inhalants with 49,263 users; followed by hallucinogens with 26,645; followed by cocaine with 13,125 and last is heroin with 3,753 users.

The following drugs have seen positive trends, or a decline in usage: any illicit drug, marijuana, methamphetamine, sedatives, inhalants, cigarettes, crack cocaine, anabolic steroids and alcohol. However there are still substances that have continued to remain high in usage: prescription drugs, ecstasy, hallucinogens and heroin. A study made by NCJ revealed that teens under the influence of drugs have higher tendencies of displaying violent behavior and do other delinquent acts [2007]. In 2006, it has been discovered that those youth who used an illicit drug are twice more likely to be violent than those who do not.

Moreover, 27% of those who use illicit drugs have been reported to intentionally inflict harm to others. The most common abused drugs are methamphetamine, marijuana and prescription pain relievers. Teens, who have been into violent fights in 2006 have been reported to be between 13-15 years of age. 17% of them have used illicit drugs [NCJ, 2007]. It was revealed that such crimes are most likely to occur around 3:00 to 7:00 pm, after school hours. It is quite surprising to know that such hours have six times greater crime rate than hours between 10:00 pm till 6:00 am.

Teens are also said to be the most crime-sensitive group, with twice more likely to be victims of violence. The effects of drug use are really enormous and this is reflected in their performance in school; even their sleeping and eating behavior has changed. Another finding in that same study is that teens who are already under influence of drugs are more likely to be engaged in stealing and or shoplifting. 39% of those teen drug users have already been reported to have stolen more than $50.

There has been a relationship discovered particularly with smoking Marijuana and stealing. Another finding is that teens under the influence of drugs are also more likely to participate in gangs [NCJ, 2007]. They are actually four times more likely to join gangs than those who do not use drugs. As all might already know, gangs are usually the executors of violence. However, being involved in a gang also increases the risk to be turned into a victim of violence. This is because whenever you deviate from a gang’s set of rules, you are more likely be subject to punishment.

The usual profile of a gang member is that they are typically males, Hispanic and African-American, and between ages 15-17. NCJ has also suggested that teens must engage in volunteering and other extra-curricular around the usual time of violence, which is 3:00-7:00 pm [2007]. This will withdraw them from joining gangs, trying drugs, alcohol and cigarettes. If schools try to create a friendlier environment, which actually promotes good after school activities, it will have a great effect on everyone, especially the youth.

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