Substance Abuse Disorders

In the world today there have been increased cases of unemployment of the youth that have lead to drug and substance abuse. Therefore the government should take precautionary measures for preventing the use of the drugs in their countries. Substance abuse refers to the use of the substances and drugs in an unacceptable manner. For instance, the over prescription of the physician’s order. It may also mean substance abuse, drug addiction and chemical dependency . The Substance Abuse Disorders leads to excessive use or dependency on a dug or a chemical.

The side effects of abusing the drugs are severe to the person’s physical and mental health and to the rest of the society. The characteristics that one possesses due to abusing drugs are unreasonable use of particular medications, or drugs that have not been prescribed by a doctor. The social effects that are related with abuse of the substances are legal issues, conflicts in the families and in the schools . Substance abuse is differentiated from the substance dependence in that its seen in terms of its physiological and behavioral terms while the later in terms of the social consequences of using the substance .

It may lead to addiction and if taken excessively it could lead to death. According to some physiologists, dependence on substance leads to the users’ willingness to accept change of behavior that later on leads to users’ withdrawal from people due to the fact it has depressants that reduce the person’s normal body functioning to take place effectively. A research that was carried out revealed that teenagers’ abuse prescriptions medicines that are found within their reach for example at home where their parents store them in the cabinets.

Teenagers mostly try to experiment on every thing they meet, yet they don’t consider the consequences of using those drugs and the effect they would have on their lives and this can lead to long time health problems in the future. There are instances where the teenagers know that there are no side effects hence continually consume the product and become addicts that require medication ,while other after learning of its side effects decide to stop consuming the product hence reduces their chances of having health problems in the future.

There are certain signs that one should look for in teenagers that are at risk of developing serious prescription drug dependency. They include: low self esteem and depression. The major reason why the prescription for drug abuse is rampant is that the drugs can be easily reached over the counter in a nearby chemist. Parents that notice the children’s problems should seek professional assistance. The treatment for abusing drugs can be varying depending on the drug that have been abused and the individuals’ needs.

The other way to treat persons that have abused drugs are using behavioral treatment, one that helps a person redirect on how they can function without using the drugs. The other way of handling the problem is that of advising the persons to stay away from drugs, enlightening them on how to handle cravings and also preventing and handling relapses. Pharmacological treatment is the treatment that is given to person’s who have abused drugs to help them overcome withdrawal symptoms and relieve cravings.

The treatment approaches for drug addiction People who are diagnosed with the problem of drug addiction have a chance for recovering from their problems as it can be treated. The characteristics of persons using the drugs are that they; have long drug cravings, seek and use the drugs persistently regardless of its consequences. Drug addiction is complex since in later years; it develops to become chronic even after one has abstained from using it.

The best way of treating drug addiction is to observe long lasting abstinence, to reduce the rate of drug abuse, increase the patients’ ability to function properly and to finally reduce the medical and social effects of drug abuse on the patients, as it enables people to live healthy lifestyles. Lack of treatment for the abusers of drugs leads to added costs, reduced productivity, unemployment among other disadvantages. When one has successfully administered drugs treatment it leads to reduced cases of crime, spread of diseases such as Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), hepatitis and other infectious disease .

In order for the patients of drug addiction to overcome the side effects of the disease, they should observe strict single treatment since it’s a long process. According to a scientific research that was carried out in the 1970s, it was revealed that change of people’s behavior, avoidance of relapse and successful observation of drug free lives can lead to improved lifestyle of the victims of the drug. Effective treatment Approaches Substance abuse disorders treatment can be solved using various combined approaches.

Medication and behavioral therapies are useful treatment facts that can be used to treat substance abuse patients. The process that is followed so as to accomplish the theratic drug method begins with detoxification, treatment and relapse prevention technique. In order to overcome the problem of withdrawal systems from happening one can administer prevention and relapse treatments. Preventing the severe withdrawals symptoms from becoming severe, one should seek treatment as soon as possible. The relapse can be prevented from happening using another method of containing the disorder like the other chronic conditions.

Substance Abuse Disorders requires the patients to seek prior treatment like; regularly taking care of the patient, addressing all aspects of the individuals’ life and conducting follow ups for instance family based recovery based programs. The above fact helps a person who has abused substances to live healthy lives. There are various treatment processes that are followed by a patient so as to prevent further side effects of the substances they have abused such as: In case of the withdrawal symptoms one should seek medications that are for detoxifications a patient.

During the treatment of the disorder, the medicines taken can be used to help them re-establish normal brain functions and to prevent relapses and reduce cravings, for example a person who is addicted to heroine and tobacco they should seek current medication that is known as opoid. In case of administering the behavioral treatment, the patients are assisted to engage in the treatment processes, re-adjusting their behaviors and attitudes that are related to drug abuse and later on adopting healthy life skills.

When the patients’ follows these treatments it enhances the effectiveness of the medications . The programs can assist a patient in overcoming his problems are outpatient behavioral treatment that involve the patients visiting the clinics on regular basis and undertaking residential treatment programs that help the patients that have severe problems such as long histories of drug addiction. In conclusion, the cognitive behavioral model can help one to understand the disorders by letting the patients to recognize, avoid and cope with the situations that are likely to lead one to abuse the substances.

Medications are mostly developed so as to help the patients to deal with the disorders for example medicines such as methadone and buprenorphine are used too treat opiate addiction, the problem is treatable although it takes a patient a long period to recover from the disease and the best way to keep away from the disease is to avoid the drugs completely. It is also important for the patient medical attention as soon as possible before it too late as drug can lead to death if a patient does not seek medication.

References: Teenage Prescription Drug Abuse (2005)

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