Substance Abuse

Substance abuse is considered to be the intemperance and reliance on a drug or any other substance, which can have damaging effects on the individual’s physical and mental health. The ailment is identified by a sequence of constant pathological usage of medication that consequences in recurring unfavorable, difficult social outcomes associated to drug usage (Smith, Boel-Studt & Cleeland, 2009). A substance abuser is most likely to meet failure at work, family or school and may have conflicts or legal problems. Substance abuse can lead to severe addiction to substances such as drugs, alcohol or tobacco.

The price for this abuse can be witnesses in hospitals because of direct harm to health by it. The aim of this paper is to discuss substance abuse in the lights of broad and diverse academic resources. Concept of Substance Abuse In accordance to DSM-IV, substance abuse is defined as the poorly adapted sequence of substance use which causes major injury or agony as evident by recurring symptoms. These chronic warning signs include remaining absent or exhibit poor work performance, using substance in circumstances in which it is physically dangerous and unsafe, repeated legal problems and continuous usage despite having problems is social life.

Substance abuse is also defined as the usage of psychoactive substance which is detrimental for human health (Smith, Boel-Studt & Cleeland, 2009). These mood and behavior effecting drugs often lead the user to dependence syndrome which is a group of behavioral, cognitive and physiological occurrences that progress after frequent substance abuse and that in general consists of a intense wish to take the drug, trouble in controlling its use, continuing to use it and giving the drug high priority. Substance Abuse Overview

Generally, substance abuse is referred to illegal usage of substances which generates some kind of intoxication which changes thoughts, awareness, concentration and physical control. Several substances can lead to mild anxiety, seizures, hallucinations and death. Virtually all the substance can create a phenomenon called tolerance where the user consumes large amount of the drug to experience the same height of intoxication. Substances such as tobacco, alcohol and illegal drugs are known to produce intoxication. All of these substances are considered to be detrimental for the human health (New CASA, 2008).

The usage of detrimental substances can initiate substance abuse in infancy or teenage. There are several factors which can increase the possibility to abuse substances. These factors include hectic home atmosphere, unproductive, unsuccessful parenting and inadequate parent child bond (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2009). Other factors which can increase the risk of drug abuse include passive or aggressive behavior, poor socializing skills, and poor performance at school and friendship with deviant peer clique.

Symptoms of Substance Abuse There are several symptoms of substance abuse. Substance abusers are most likely to quit past activities. Their working capability decreases and they become aggressive and irritable. They are lethargic and are found to be in state of oblivion. They feel negative emotions such as depression, anxiety and become suicidal (Forsyth, 2009). They get intoxicated and mostly found under the influence of drugs on regular basis. They have trouble in their social life and they avoid friends and family. Costs of Substance Abuse Social Cost

The social costs linked with substance abuse include high levels of frustration, aggression, anger and anxiety which can have damaging effects on the safety and welfare of people around the substance abuser. The substance abuser is responsible for social problems such as domestic violence and homicide (Stanley, 2009). Substance addicts prefer isolation and seclusion. They also face problems at workplace, educational institutes and home. Substance abuse record often leads to service termination and rejection by other corporate to appoint abusers.

Economic Costs Substance abuse is most likely to drain the financial resources of the abuser. All of the savings are wasted on buying these expensive drugs. Medical treatment and rehabilitation is also expensive which can drain the budget of the caregivers. Experimental studies demonstrated that drug users and their caregivers suffer from financial crisis. Health Costs Substance abuse has significant health risks on the abuser. For example, tobacco contains thousand of chemicals which are detrimental for health.

Smoking tobacco can lead to various kinds of cardiovascular diseases, cancers, paralyses and other kinds of ulcers. It is responsible for more that half million deaths all over the world. Similarly, illegal drugs cause depression and affect the brain. They can cause anxiety, tremor, seizures, liver failures, heart enlargement, and irritation in the lungs, impairment of memory, severe depression and death if consumed in large quantities. Needles used for injecting drugs can spread sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS and hepatitis.

Several substance abusers have the perception that they can stop their drug utilization but majority of them fail. Studies have shown that drugs are responsible for changing the function of the brain and fortify cravings for drugs. Because of these …

Substance abuse is today’s predominantly insidious health and social dilemmas. Substance abuse connotes to the detrimental or death-defying utilization of psychoactive substances, in addition to alcohol and illicit drugs and the use of these substances use can lead to dependence …

Substances such as drugs, legal or prohibited, can cause negative effect on people depending on how these are being used and taken (Johnson, 2003). People of different background and condition have access to these substances, which may lead to misuse …

Substance abuse is a term used to denote the risky or dangerous use of psychoactive substances, such as alcohol and illegal drugs. Using these substances can bring about the so-called dependence syndrome, which is a group of behavioral, cognitive, and …

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