Student’s health

High schools in a big way do go for fundraising, incentives and sponsorship activities which they make use of students to be involved in such programs which is questionable towards their health issues that has been a concern coming into the minds of the researchers today and a study in detail needs to be captured and tapped upon.

It has been observed that around 83% of the intermediate and primary schools participation into such acts has been practically happening while around 85% of secondary and area schools have shown this trend which really sounds a huge amount of the population of the schools are engaged in such fundraising, incentives and sponsorship events.

Some of the partnerships have shown a positive sign towards the event building and in some other correlation there have been negative implications on the student’s health especially in cases which show that the students were involved in the said activities from the organizations that generates the profits from either gambling or those involved in alcoholic cases. It is also seen that while the students are on their job on the field they spend huge money on eating junk food outside which is rich in fats and sugar that hampers and deteriorates their health and physic in a huge manner (Richards, R. et al. 2005 & Allison, K. 2003).

The various stakeholders of the institution should draw a line and identify the areas where student’s involvement is a must and has been regarded in a positive way. Health sectors and the education sectors need to build up on this concern which will meet up the basic requirements as needed by the organizations and the schools. This in turn will help in solving issues that comprise the student’s health which carrying out such activities which in majority of the cases is in the interest of the schools.

According to the United States Department of Justice, people can be involved in fundraising or collection sponsors which has to be on their own account and not on behalf of the institution or organizations which in case requires to be carried out then special permission needs to be attained from the authorized Department of fundraising which is a necessity to be adopted to eliminate cases of misusing the services of the available students in the education sector which is followed in a big way (USDOJ, 2008).

If high schools start up with public education networks then they would be the ideal resource to provide fund raising facilities which would be an effective way to generate and gather in funds happening there in granting assistances to the schools. To meet up to the institutions goals there has to be a team or a single person appointed could be students also to carry out the activities rather than involving only students on a continuous basis as it is a devoted activity which requires a huge amount of time and effort.

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