Stem-cell derived

Such stem-cell derived methodology is not practiced by general surgeons or standard medicine physicians; rather, bone marrow therapy requires series of specializations in various medical subjects (e. g. genetics, oncology, medical-surgical, etc. ). According to WHO (1994), accreditation and licensing is submitted to the appropriate local health agency for accreditation and licensing (Public Health act; Title I, sec. 101-102; p. 413).

According to Goldman, Hain and Liben (2006), physician licensing for bone marrow therapy varies per state basis in United States and licensing procedures are much less consistent depending on the local professional boards and licensing agencies (p. 485). In terms of liability, patients are required to sign a waiver indicating their willful participation during the surgery. Liability of the procedure is directed on the patient considering his/her willingness in participation throughout the procedure (WHO, 1994 p. 413).

However, the patient and respective caretaker should review the details of the operations to their respective physician and vice versa prior to the signing and start of the procedure. Conclusion In conclusion, the emerging controversy on stem-cell research and application, specifically on bone marrow transplantation, has targeted social (e. g. ethical appropriateness, health care policy, issues on liability, licensing, etc. ) and economic concerns (e. g. global market competition, health care options, cost, economic impact, etc.

). Despite of the pros and cons of this procedure, it is still considered as one of the potential disease treatment for most incurable to hard-to-cure diseases, such as leukemia. Throughout the study, bone marrow transplant has acquired intense market demand in Untied States due to their health care policy, availability of professionals and equipments; however, the annual need does not entirely meet the varying numbers of donors. Consequently, the health cost of the procedure rises and donors become scarce.

In licensing, every state has their Professional Board Regulatory Committee or license/accreditation committee that handles the entire process of professional certification. Lastly, liability of operations is placed on the part of the patient provided that both parties agree to the waiver/consent form, which indicates the willingness of the patient to participate in the operation and the professional credibility of the physician.


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From the first application of stem cell-based bone marrow transplant in 1968, the evolution of such procedure has reached the extent of being a prime treatment on leukemia cases (Ong, 2001 p. 487). Stem cell therapy involves risky considerations that …

To resolve the conflict on ethical argument, United States and United Kingdom have imposed their heath care policies that shall justify the appropriateness and applications of bone marrow transplant. Policies can greatly affect the (1) availability and willingness of donors …

Stem cell transplant is one of the last options nowadays availablle for the cancer patients. Tgis procedure is carried ooout in Cell and Gene Therapy (CAGT) clinics. Patients usually know little about stem cell transplantation. Unfortunately, most patients are too …

Reprod Biomed Online. 2006 Oct;13(4):562-72. Potential clinical applications using stem cells derived from human umbilical cord blood. ·         Ghen MJ, WE WILL WRITE A CUSTOM ESSAY SAMPLE ON ANY TOPIC SPECIFICALLY FOR YOU FOR ONLY $13.90/PAGE Write my sample ·         …

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