Statistics For Hospitals

The employment of statistical methods for hospital use has its effects as extreme as life and death. Statistics accords solutions to decision-making problems amidst uncertainty. Trends taken from the past have to be put into utility in order to effect health and well-being in the populace. The application of statistics to the field of medicine has been long established; there are countless studies focusing on the relationship between living a certain lifestyle and the prevalence of a certain illness. However, the use of statistics in a hospital organization, apart from a business perspective, has not been duly established.

It is customary for hospitals to post data on indicators of public health. Tabular and graphical data on (1) male/female life expectancy at birth, male/female death rates from various causes, trends in adults’ general health, chronic and acute illness, (2) population statistics as resident population estimates among major groups, and actual conceptions, deliveries and births, abortions and contraception, (3) cases of infectious diseases, and HIV/AIDS and sexually-transmitted diseases, (4) health-related behavior such as the prevalence of smoking, alcohol consumption above an imposed intake limit and drug abuse among the youth.

(“Health And,” 2007) Beyond this, hospitals tabulate patient records (in-patient or otherwise) as part of their internal records, classifying cases as either medical, surgical (pediatric or adult), obstetrics, gynecology, pediatrics, newborn, genita-urinalysis, accident or other cases. For referencing purposes, the types of in-patient medical service are tabulated against data on the number of patients, patient days, payment option (charity, health insurance or pay) and result (recovery, unimprovement, hospital transfer, abscondence or death).

There are also monthly statistics on (1) bed capacity, percentage of occupancy and emergency beddings, (2) total admissions, total discharges and total number of patients, (3) average number of in-patients/day and average length of hospitalization, (4) referrals from other hospitals and health facilities. More importantly, numerical data on leading causes of discharges and leading causes of deaths are tabulated. Total deaths as grouped into the time after admission and type (infant/maternal/ neonatal/adult/geriatric) are also noted. (Maranan, 2006)

Statistics on hospital inpatient activity yields data on finished consultant episodes (by sector, diagnostic group, and age and sex) and waiting lists (for elective admission). (DOH) Statistics on surgical operations classify cases as either major operations (Caesarian-precluding), Caesarian section, minor operations (in-patient) and minor operations (outpatient), and group cases with respect to age and gender. Statistics on hospital outpatient services lists the number of outpatient attendances, average number of diurnal consultations, and the kind of consultations (genito-urinary/EENT/dental/family planning/others).

There are also data on the leading causes of consultations, immunization, and waiting times. (Maranan, 2006) The use of laboratory, radiology and imaging, cardiovascular services, oncology services and orthopedic services are categorized in the services division. In-patient and outpatient categories are tabulated against the use of laboratory procedures (e. g. blood chemistry, fecal examination, urinalysis), radiology and imaging procedures (e. g. X-ray, CAT, MRI, PET scan), cardiovascular services (e. g. ECG, 2-D Echo, 3-D Echo), oncology services (e.

g. radiation therapy, chemotherapy), and orthopedic procedures (e. g. arthroscopy, joint replacement). Other documented hospital services include dietary services for patients, data on ambulance calls and use, statistics on medico-legal cases and court appearances. The Human Resources Department of a hospital holds the records for personnel statistics at any given time. It is crucial especially that a hospital may have a need for more medical personnel of a particular specialization (i. e. pulmonologists for the winter months).

Statistics on authorized and actual (implementing) personnel by main staff groups (medical/dental/ administrative), sex and ethnic groups are kept in file and could be correlated with the actual demand for such personnel. Moreover, there is a need for record-keeping for personnel such as general medical practitioners (GPs), practice staff and medical interns for a hindsight on their effectivity and performance with regard to their respective professions. Personnel working part-time and responding to community calls should also be scrutinized regarding their performance.

Statistics, in general, presents us with solutions to many decision-making problems amidst uncertainty. An accurate interpretation of statistical information in hospital organizations brings about astronomical returns to society. First, population statistics as birth rate, abortions, and contraception enables the government to effectively address primary and corollary issues in order to accommodate its economic and social goals. In addition, data on health-related issues as smoking, alcoholism and drug misuse presents the government with target areas for social policy implementation.

Second, hospital statistics on life expectancy, and leading causes of illness and mortality are useful for both the hospital and health ministry, as a whole. Statistical information on the leading causes of hospitalization and death in any particular area accords any hospital with preparedness and possible plan of action (e. g. employing more medical professional with that specialization, increasing drug/antibiotic inventory that can combat/palliate the disease, educating the public on prevention).

The same works for outpatient consultations and immunizations, the variety of which presents any hospital with the need for decision-making. Third, trends in bed occupancy, and onset of infectious diseases and epidemics associated with some months accord the hospital with ample time to prepare emergency beddings and drug/antibiotic inventory. Fourth, health care is a profession that requires continuous updating so that there is a need to check on personnel performance (full-time medical/dental professionals, general medical practitioners, practice staff and medical interns, and nurses).

In rare instances, there are medical personnel accused of malpractice and crime so that there is a need to correlate data on their presence and the time of malpractice/crime commission. Hospital statistics can put an end to medico-legal cases. On the other hand, inordinate reliance on statistics, though freedom-according, is also opinion-distorting in that it hinders one from thinking of infinite possibilities. Rarities occur and statistics place little emphasis on them in their accounts.

Albeit all these, the field of statistics remains a reliable guide under uncertainty and a valuable tool in all areas of human endeavor.


Government Statistical Service. (2007, May). Health and Personal Social Services Statistics. Retrieved May 20, 2007, from Government Statistical Service Online: http://www. performance. doh. gov. uk/HPSSS/#sectiona San Juan District Hospital. (2006). Hospital Statistical Report. Batangas, Philippines. : Maranan, Beda V.

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