Statement of Purpose

The quest for knowledge has always been my ardent wish. This quest for knowledge and necessity has unearthed me into this beautiful sophisticated world. As a devoted student, I am eager to confront the challenges by pursuing graduate studies from reputed institutions. What sets me apart is my dedication to finding solutions and thirst to reach zenith of triumph. I have decided to pursue postgraduate studies and research in the area of Pharmacology.

Pharmacology is a subject that is of great importance to me in terms of my career goals and personal complacency. Undergraduate study, therefore I feel is not a denouement of what I call a journey towards excellence and competence. In under graduation you are more diverse in your fields and know little specific in various fields. Graduate study brings one to a cutting edge of field and provides a solid foundation to build future careers.

It’s an opportunity to realize ones career objectives or personal desires. I have absolutely no qualms in proceeding along the path that I have been contemplating, the past few years. Early Inspiration: Kindling a spark within me to reach out for something new and creative began with my early education in one of the best schools in my state. My schooling put me on firm grounds regarding academics and a strong value system. I realized the importance of an analytical approach to the solution of any problem.

This propelled me to tack up sciences as major in my +2 putting me in league with scores of other students around the state aspiring to tack highly competitive state wide common entrance examination (to go into under graduate institution). Under graduation Education: The basic interest in logical thinking led me stand in the top 4% of the students who took the exam for under graduation. This helped me to secure seat in a reputed college of ———- University, a premier Institution in the state with proven immense potential and vastly proliferating research and infrastructure facilities.

This guaranteed my purpose and future cemented my will to tack up challenges and never let temporary defeats come in the way of my goal. Areas of Interest: The assiduously prepared curriculum at ———— University with its time-tested courses has enabled to widen my horizons regarding the various fields of Pharmacology, Pharmaceutics and Pharmacognosy has converted my curiosity into a deep fascination for the subject and has motivated me to pursue graduate study now and devote my self to research to my field of interest later.

My area of interests also include drug-drug interactions, adverse drug reactions, therapeutic drug monitoring, clinical pharmacology, population kinetics, and toxicology, which attracted me and aroused my interest on the subject. I wish to pursue a career in any of these fields as they hold out a promise for me to be at the forefront of research. I would like to do masters to get a better picture of my fields of interest after which I would eventually plan my career towards Ph.

D. My Strengths and Promises: Having made this statement of my objectives, it is my belief that what your university looks for in a prospective student, a strong academic background and the will to perform and deliver. An extremely distinguished faculty, anmilieu replete with academic activity and the state-of-the-art research facilities in the field of Pharmacology are the most important factors, which motivated me to choose your university for my graduation studies.

I assure you that I will make the most of myself, and will be unsparing in my efforts to scale great academic heights bringing laurels to your institution. All I need is opportunity, an opportunity that shall lay cornerstone of my career and success. Summing up: As Aldous Hoxley puts it “Science has explained nothing, the more we know, the more fantastic the more profound the surrounding darkness”. The journey ahead promises to be challenging one. It may no doubt be arduous and demanding at times.

But then, the thrill one gets when he discovers something new at the frontiers of human knowledge, however small contribution it may be, is unparalleled. I am sure you would help me in giving my very best and provide me requisite confidence to meet the academic challenges that your curriculum would pose. I wish to channelise my knowledge and make my life significant by joining your university.

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The following statement of purpose was written for University of xxxxxxx About me: I deem it a privilege to give a brief account of myself to your esteemed institution. I am xxxxxxxxx, __years old. Striving for betterment and improvement has …

As accumulating abundant experience through my internship in National Health Research Institute (NHRI), and a member in infectious disease research lab in Kaohsiung Medical School, it expands my understanding upon many kinds of microorganism. Baby sitting with MDCK cell when …

Pharmacy is a discipline of science that dictates the health and disease. Continued education and research in every branch of pharmacy are needed for the health care, therapy, and prevention. I believe that my graduate training in the science of …

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