After a comprehensive literature review, it can be concluded that nurses’ knowledge and attitudes towards pressure ulcers have a direct effect on patients. The following framework diagrams the direct relationship between pressure ulcer and nurses’ knowledge and attitude. Patients can be disadvantaged by a lack of knowledge on the part of healthcare professionals, as well as a negative attitude. On the other hand, an increase in the variable of the nurses’ knowledge can lead to a direct positive effect on the patient.
Theoretically, it is postulated that if one is capable of quantitatively understanding the first variable within the framework (nurses’ attitides and knowledge towards pressure ulcers), one can make inferences to positively effect the future care and prevention of the problem. Despite spending on research and education, as well as the increasing expenditure on pressure ulcer prevention, pressure ulcers still remain a major health concern today.
It is important to mention that although nurses are not solely responsible for pressure ulcer prevention, they do play a huge role in eradicating the problem. Therefore, the research proposal attempts to determine the relationship between nurses’ knowledge and attitudes and the incidence of pressure ulcer? It is hypothesized that the greater the amount of knowledge surrounding the topic, and the more positive a nurses’ attitude regarding pressure ulcers, the greater the prevention and the better the treatment.
Surely, sound knowledge and positive attitude are the key factors for nurses to prevent pressure ulcers. Consequently, the aim of the study can be summarized as follows: • Identify and quantify staff nurses’ attitudes towards pressure ulcer prevention. • Identify and quantify the behavior of staff nurses’ in relation to pressure ulcer prevention. • Identify Staff nurses’ perception towards problems regarding pressure ulcer prevention.